Boy Kills World begins with a miracle of him recanted, The boy was brought from a twinkle of light, He was angry with the prince who took the world from him. A yearly tradition that kills off Then cut to the rainy jungle where the Boy, covered in mud, crawls to the feet of Shaman (Ruhian), a man who is also in the jungle training his son in the way of martial arts. The narrative is accompanied by his internal dialogue that provides exposition and uses his ability to communicate with others who seem to understand him even though he can't hear or speak.As an adult, the Boy (Skarsgard) sees Hilda's minions Gideon (Gelman) and Glen (Copley) giving a speech about the year's Culling event. Things go downhill as the townsfolk are killed by accident, thanks to the ineptitude of the duo. The Boy witnesses everything, and this inspires him to seek revenge for the death of his family. He leaves the Shaman behind and links up with Basho (Koji) and Bennie (Bella), who are a part of the resistance against the Culling. Together they vow to take down the whole establishment even if it costs them their lives.The fight scenes are an area where Boy Kills World could have benefited from a bit more steadiness. Mohr's use of shaky cam, in tandem with frequent cuts, blurs what could have been thrilling choreography. Instead of being drawn into the thick of the action, I found myself squinting, and struggling to decipher what's happening in the face of all of the chaos. But the silliness of it all draws parallels to the low-ranked anime you'll see on Crunchyroll. This may be a harsh comparison, but like most anime the movie teeters between absurdist comedy and gory action, switching between moments that made me chuckle and those that made me wince. This is part of the charm. It doesn't pretend to be anything more than a raucous, entertaining spectacle.The Boy was caught stealing some food, because he was sad that he didn't knew what he is going to eat, and didn't had a way to survive and he had to do it. Mean while the prince guard stepped on a dog and broke his knee. He say a chance and decided to run, while he was being chased by the guards.
Hey stop there "said the guard"
The boy couldn't stop and decided to keep running he took a straight turn.
The boy hides for an hour
Then finds out that there was a virus which can spread across the words.
Hey oh no earth why are you doing this to me
The boy said...
Earth keeps replying but the boy didn't hear the earth talk so he got to the second village, Which he had a vision that he was the same village where his parents were killed. soon after that he come to realize that he had a name which is (Luis), He was in shock and had to be nice in all ways.
A young child who gets lost in a fair or show is the subject of the story The Lost Child and his parents go to a spring time fair. There were numerous various types of stalls set up in the fair, and the area was busy with people. When the child saw the toys in the stores, he was overjoyed and begged his parents to get him a toy.
He continued walking and came onto a merry-go-round. He noticed that many people were having a good time on the ride and yelled to his parents to join them. However, they made no response. He couldn't see his parents when he turned around. He screamed aloud and looked everywhere, but he was unable to locate his parents.
A man heard him cry out and immediately picked him up in his arms.
The young boy sobbed when the good man asked him about his parents and said he didn't know where they were. In an effort to calm the boy down, the men offered if he would want to ride the merry-go-round.
But the child answered that he only wanted his parents. The young boy turned his back on all he had before wished to purchase. The youngster solely yelled, "I want my mum, I want my father!" as a result.
The story emphasizes the child's relationship with his parents as one of love and affection.
One day while the little sister and her brother where going for a stroll, She felt a breeze which was about to fall.