Chapter 10: It's official

Silence stretched between the two of them for what felt like an eternity.

"What did you just say?" Alexandra was now looking at him with wide eyes and a blank look on her face as she tried to register what he had just said. 

"I'm kidding, you got to lighten up," he finally said before laughing and walking away. He was about to reach his room when he turned around to see Alexandra still standing at the very same spot, staring into space.

"Go to sleep!" he yelled from a distance and seconds later, she heard the door slam shut. 

The next morning, she found herself sitting by the table across from Caleb, with a piece of paper lying on it.

"What's that?" She asked, gesturing to the paper.

"A marriage contract," he stated simply, without even looking up from his phone as he continued to type away busily.

19-year-old Alexandra would have never imagined that when she turned 26, she would one day end up sitting opposite of her high school ex, signing a marriage contract after finding out her husband cheated on her with her sister whom she never knew existed just a couple of days ago.

Marriage Contract

1. Caleb will offer Alexandra to stay at his apartment for free for as long as she needs

2. Alexandra agrees to accompany Caleb to every event when requested and vice versa

3. Caleb and Alexandra cannot be dating anyone else for the duration of the contract

4. Alexandra agrees to go on any work trips and family trips with Caleb when requested and vice versa

Her eyes briefly scanned the document before her with just a few simple terms he roughly drafted up last night before bed. "Do I really have to go to every event with you? Even work-related?" 

"Mhmm…" he muttered under his breath as he nodded slightly, his eyes still fixated on his phone, a small frown on his face. 

"But I don't think that's a -"

"There's a company event next Friday and you are coming with me," he simply stated, cutting her off.

"But what will your parents say?"

"Don't worry about them. I'll take care of it."

That Friday night came quicker than Alexandra had expected. 

She was clad in a bright red satin designer dress and black pointed heels that Caleb had gotten for her a few days prior to the event. The dress hugged her in all the right places, showing off her curves perfectly. Her long dark brown hair was lightly curled and left down, with her fringe tucked behind one ear with her earring peeking through her strands of hair. 

Caleb was next to her, dressed in a dark navy suit. Alexandra had her arm interlinked with Caleb's as they stepped into the huge ballroom. Needless to say, they had caught the attention of almost everyone mingling by the entrance and the chattering came to a stop. All eyes were now on them and whispers started to fill the air again. 

She turned to see that Caleb didn't seem to care that people were whispering and pointing fingers as he looked ahead and continued walking further in, the same nonchalant look plastered across his face while she gave them a small smile. 

"I'm going to grab some drinks," he informed her before hastily walking off, leaving her standing alone in the crowded room as she took in the scene before her eyes.

The large chandelier hung in the middle of the ballroom, lighting up almost every corner of the ballroom. The warm yellow lights glistened and bounced off the surface of the mirrors. Countless tables were on either side of the crowded room with soft classical music playing in the back. There was a large carpeted walkway that led to the front stage with a podium standing on the side. 

The huge black banner behind reads "Welcome to NextGen Technologies 36th Annual Company Dinner". 

NextGen Technologies?

Alexandra's eyes grew wide as realisation hit her, but she was quickly broken out of her little reverie. 

"Alexandra?" She heard a familiar voice call out her name, and she whipped her head around in an instant, thinking that Caleb must be back by now. 

"Caleb I-"

"Ugh, what is she doing here?" Hannah remarked as she eyed Alexandra up and down, a look of disdain on her face.

"My god Al, you just can't move on huh?" That same voice from before taunted her.

She was now face to face with Ethan who of course brought Hannah with him to the company dinner. Alexandra noticed the way Hannah tightened her grip around Ethan's arm, her bright red nails digging into his skin at this point. Hannah had the same arrogant look that never seemed to leave her face. 

"What are you talking-" Alexandra started only to be cut off by her husband abruptly.

"I didn't think you would actually have the audacity to show up at my company dinner all dressed up. Did you think that I would fall for you?" Ethan laughed while Hannah snickered at his remark beside him. 

"It's quite pathetic actually," he commented this time, spitting the words out of his mouth. 

"Who are you calling pathetic?" Another voice came from behind Alexandra. She turned around to see Caleb standing in front of her with drinks in his hands before he came stride over. 

"Oh look, you brought your little boy toy with you too," Ethan said, his voice laced with mockery. 

Caleb took a step closer to him, looking down at Ethan. "You better watch your mouth."

"Or else what?" Ethan challenged with a smirk etched onto his face. 

"I will guarantee to make your life a living hell." 

"You? Who are you to do that?" 

"Oh, you will find out soon," Caleb replied with a smirk on his face too. 

"Security!" Hannah yelled this time, as everyone turned to look and stare. 

"There are outsiders here!" Hannah continued yelling, making a scene as everyone turned to stare. 

"What's going on here?" One of the two guards asked. But Alexandra noticed the recognition in the guards' eyes and the way they stopped themselves the moment their eyes landed on Caleb. She didn't realise it just then, but it will all make sense soon.

"I'll handle this," he told them and they simply nodded before walking away. 

"Let's go," Caleb demanded as he grabbed Alexandra by her wrist without a warning, pulling her away from the chaos and out of the ballroom in a matter of seconds while both Ethan and Hannah watched them leave with a smug smile on their faces.

"Why are we the ones leaving?" Alexandra questioned, yanking her wrist out of his grasp as soon as they were out of their sight, just the two of them hidden behind a wall somewhere. 

Caleb let out a deep breath. "I have my reasons, Al. Trust me."

"Well, they can't just -"

"Hey, hey listen."

He was now looking down at her with both hands on her shoulders as she had her back pushed up against the wall, their faces only a few inches apart. "What?" 

"I need you to trust me."

"Why should I?"

A smirk etched itself onto his face. "I promise they will regret everything they had said earlier."

"How so?"

"You'll find out soon."