Chapter 39: Chaos Unfolds

A crazy thought sprung into her mind as she caught a glimpse of what was to come.

As soon as the words rolled off the tip of her tongue, Ethan only stared at her, confusion evident in his eyes. He didn't understand what she meant by those words, neither did he have a hint as to what was running through her mind at that moment.

But the look of determination and rage etched onto her face scared him a little. Hannah didn't look like her usual self, the cheery smile on her face was long gone. In fact, he thought she looked rather intimidating. Her eyes burned with a fiery fire from within as she looked him straight in his eyes, never once breaking eye contact, her lips curling into an evil smirk.

Hannah wanted Ethan to remember the next moment for years to come, even when death was slowly creeping up on him.