Chapter 45: A sweet memory

Alexandra laughed. "How did you know I was hungry?" 

"I could hear your stomach grumbling on the way back," he teased, earning a playful punch to his arm.

"Thank you for preparing this though," she mumbled under her breath as she stood up to give him a little kiss on his lips, which made the smile on his face grow wider. 

He sat down across from her, on the other side of the table. "How's the food?" He asked excitedly, as soon as she took her first bite, barely giving her anytime to chew on the food in her mouth. 

She nodded her head in approval as she continued to chew on the piece of grilled meat. "So?" Caleb asked again, leaning forward to get closer to her. 

"It's good, really good actually," she confirmed as she savoured each bite. She could see the way his dark eyes lit up almost immediately and the way the grin was etched onto his face as soon as those words left her mouth.