Chapter 57: A deadly mistake

Alexandra felt her heart sink instantly and she had stopped breathing for a while.

It wasn't what she would have expected. Her eyes landed on the familiar back view and the same long blonde hair that had haunted her ever since they first met.

It was Elisha. She was on top of Caleb, her arms loosely hanging around his neck and her lips pressed hungrily against his. 

Emotions ran wild in Alexandra's eyes as she witnessed the scene unfolded before her very eyes. She felt as though she was transported back in time, to the very day where she was hiding in the closet to surprise her husband only to witness him cheating on her with her sister.

It reminded her of the way Hannah had her arms wrapped around Ethan that day, the way Ethan had stood out to protect her sister instead. All at once, the bad memories crept into her mind and the feelings of shock and disbelief overcome her body, engulfing her entirely.