Chapter 98: A genius plan?

Another laughter erupted from the woman's lips. It was Elisha and one of her bridesmaids standing right outside the cubicles. They were touching up on their makeup and checking themselves out as they gossiped carelessly, unaware that the very person they were talking about was listening to every word they had to say.

Elisha's lips curved into a sinister smirk, her eyes were gleaming with a knowing look. "I'm sure a hundred thousand dollars can make anyone dumb," she commented casually as a smug expression masked her features.

The woman gasped audibly. Raising an eyebrow, she questioned, "A hundred thousand dollars? What? Don't tell me you bribed her to betray her own friend?" Elisha only looked at her with a grin on her face, not saying a single word just yet. "So that's a yes… what a backstabbing cunt."

Kelly had one fist clenched tightly beside her while the other gripped onto her phone as she held back her tongue.