Blue Whale : High prize

Alex and everyone in that room was stunned.

no know had a choice but to watch them die no one could save them no one can bring their life's back. 

there were 300 plus students playing this game. 

everyone was scared to play this game further, but they had no choice, further the game continued and after writing their roll no on their hands the buzzer rang, and it was a time out where level 0 ends.

writing the roll no. with the knife left a mark on their hands, Alex wrote 21 and others also wrote according to them. 

after crossing this level everyone got an email again in which every player had to join a group made on snapchat where you have to send the pic of your roll no which you wrote with the knife 

after sending this snap to the game, all the players have free time in which many people were discussing saying there must be a way to escape it.

there were actually some people who wanted to die, and they did not hear what other people have to say about escaping this game. 

meanwhile Alex asked lily why you played this game, Alex was sobbing he was so scared of the game and didn't actually know if he wanted to live or die. 

lily then told him about her financial issue she was facing and that she has to work so hard for her education. 

lily could not stop sobbing ... this is where Alex had a flashback of when he saw her in college all happy and amazing girl she was. 

seeing her like this, in all this situation made Alex more heartbroken.

the speaker then said something which made everyone to play this game with all their soul and that they would win it at any cost. 

the speaker person said that whoever will reach till the last level alive they will get a prize of 1 billion dollars. 

the silence after hearing this was very loud, Alex then told that we don't believe you. let us see the money if you are really gone give us! 

and the money was shown to them all gathered in the transparent box which was just above them.

after seeing this much money no one said a word about that they wanted to leave this place or anything about the levels they were going to face to end this game. 

everyone including Alex agreed to it, Alex though this much money will cure his depression and that he won't have to work again in his life ever.

Alex was blinded by so much money that he asked the game to give the next level, lily did not find this right and tried to stop Alex. 

but Alex told her, this is so much money lily !! this will give you an amazing life we won't have to work again!! 

lily saw that glow in his eyes and could not stop Alex from playing this, she was worried, but she agreed, and everyone was ready to play the next level. 

the speaker said whoever will reach till the last level will get all the money if you survive alone then alone you will get all the money and if you survive with other people, you can distribute the money among yourself.