Blue Whale: Become a Whale

Every player was now ready for next level, waiting for the speaker to start the game.

the speaker said everyone to hide and that no one can be with their partners, every player will hide individually and will not tell their partners where they are going to hide. 

the speaker said after you hide you will stay there for 10 min and then will come back to the game. 

every player obeyed the speaker, and they went to hide. 

Jin went in the washroom, Enzo went in a storeroom, Alex went in an empty room, lily went to girl's washroom and like this every player hide away. 

while they were hiding 10 players got a mail, they opened it and it was written if you are ready to " become a whale", carve " YES" on your body part from where other players can't see, and if not - cut yourself many times. 

the people who were ready to become a whale carved " YES" on their body part but no one clicked the snap of it and the game told those players to keep their identity hidden. 

the game told other players to cut themselves who are not ready to become a whale and send the pic of it only to the admin of the snap group. 

like this it was clear that there are 5 people among all players who have become whale while other 5 are out of this

the game doesn't know who those 5 remaining players are because 1 player have still not responded to the question of whether they want to become a whale or not. 

the game does not know who that 1 person is and now after 10 min all players came back to the main area and was suspicious that whether everyone got the mail or is it only them. 

the mail was sent to 10 players 5 of them rejected and from 5, 1 player didn't respond which make 4 players the whale of the game. 

the consequences of the game further depend on that one player and the game can change at any moment and is dependent on what that player will choose. 

meanwhile other player who have not received anything were unknown of this situation and the question is if they didn't receive anything, does this makes them safe ?? or now they all are in danger?? 

Alex asked lily what happened? why there is blood on your jacket. lily said, " oh this"? it's nothing maybe my wound opened up ...


after this the chill in the room after the speaker announced what they have to do in the next level was ...

speaker: the game will stop if one of you will find who the whale is !!