Gives Me Chills

Nan Xing had a faint expectation in her heart which she didn't even notice but this expectation was dashed when Yi Jingyan opened his mouth to state the purpose of his visit clearly. 

"As you know, JingTech Innovations has been thriving in the consumer electronics sector," Yi Jingyan began, his tone confident and measured. He sure had the capital to be confident since he knew the value of JingTech Innovations. It had become the leading company in the electronics sector in just a few years. "We're looking to expand our business into the semiconductor and chipmaking industry. It's a challenging field and we need the right expertise to lead our research team."

Nan Xing nodded as she understood the purpose of his visit. What was she expecting? 

"That's a significant move," she said rather blandly. "The semiconductor industry is highly competitive and requires deep technical knowledge and innovative thinking."