Give My Ride To You

Things seemed to have settled down for Liu Xinyu as she was in no hurry to go back to her time now. Even if she missed her parents like crazy, she suppressed all her feelings and tried to live each day to the fullest. She was someone who was capable of finding her way out of a deadlock even if she had to crawl on her knees. Just this sudden time travel couldn't faze her spirit of never giving up.

In fact, she was even beginning to like the simple life of this era. Things were slow but she liked it this way better. Without social media, mobile phones, and the internet filled with gossip, everything had a different taste.

And as Liu Xinyu was doing things that she had never done before, she was just taking it as a new experience and new memories. Even the boring work of translation did not really get to her and she enjoyed working on this translation project with Yi Qin. After all, she had never been able to experience doing this kind of work with Yi Qin growing up.