Feed Me

Yi Qin was still seriously considering all his options and Nan Xing was busy observing his serious look. It was rare to see him being so serious after all. She could enjoy it for a little while longer. It felt good to see him like this. It almost felt like he had grown up and wasn't the little kiddo who found faults with everything.

Or the unreasonable kid who just wanted to find petty reasons to argue. Who knew that he had grown up now? She actually felt a sense of satisfaction welling up in her heart, seeing him worrying about big things now, as he believed that he was big.

"You have really grown up!" she commented as she rubbed his head making him look up at her with obvious dissatisfaction in his eyes.

"I'm not a pet!" he retorted. "Why rub my head like this?"

"Tsk. You are just not satisfied with anything. Why are you so difficult to serve, Second Young Master Qin?"