
"Ms. Bold," started Qi Yuze which caught Liu Xinyu off guard. She was still thinking about how this guy actually took the initiative to talk to her when she heard his question. "This doesn't seem to be your scene. What are you doing here?"

"Not following you for sure," retorted Liu Xinyu without missing a beat.

"You say that every time we run into each other oh-so-coincidentally. But you know what?"


"The more you say that, the less believable it sounds."

Liu Xinyu nodded in agreement with his words. If she was in his place, she'd also be doubtful. Actually, she was going through an inner struggle right now too. Why wouldn't she be curious about why she ran into this guy everywhere? He wasn't even a ghost but he surely had a haunting presence in her life right now. 

"I have an alibi," she told him.

"You always do," was his response. "I really hope that you are speaking the truth."

"I am!"