The Golden Mask's Proposition

It was an ordinary day in Thaloria, until a figure cloaked in mystery emerged—a masked individual adorned with a golden mask, an ostentatious display of wealth amidst the dangerous alleys. Intrigued murmurs trailed in their wake as they made their way to the bandit hideout under Damien's command.

Demanding an audience with the leader, the masked stranger caused a stir among the bandits, their swords drawn in suspicion. Yet, the masked figure remained unperturbed, calmly removing there blade from his face, signaling their peaceful intent. With Damien's arrival, the tension in the room palpably increased, as the stranger revealed their proposition.

In a voice tinged with intrigue, the stranger addressed Damien, presenting an offer too enticing to ignore—a promise of boundless wealth and two gifts of great value. The first, a ring that ensured one's mana readings would always register as the average, an invaluable asset in the realm of magic. The second, a journey beyond the mountains to distant lands, free of charge for the individual tasked with a mission.

As the bandits listened with bated breath, the allure of riches and adventure hung heavy in the air. Damien, ever the astute leader, weighed the risks and rewards of such an arrangement, contemplating the stranger's motives and the potential benefits for their clan. With a nod of agreement, Damien signaled his willingness to entertain the offer, setting in motion a chain of events that would lead to unforeseen consequences for all involved.