The Spectrum of Mana

After the awe-inspiring entrance to the academy, Aleric faced his first task: measuring his mana using a seemingly ordinary stone. To his surprise, as he observed the stone being touched by other students, it emitted various colors, with yellow being the most common. The brighter the color, the higher the mana level of the individual.

Confident in his abilities due to the enchanted ring he wore, Aleric approached the stone, expecting a display of brilliance that matched his striking appearance. However, much to his disappointment, the stone glowed yellow upon his touch, signaling an average mana level similar to that of his peers.

The professors, taken aback by Aleric's appearance, had anticipated a much higher mana reading. Disheartened by the outcome, they informed him that the next task would be a combat practice session among the students, designed to assess his proficiency and determine whether he belonged in advanced or basic classes.

As Aleric observed the other students engage in combat, he couldn't help but feel a sense of detachment. Having grown up amidst the harsh realities of life as a bandit, he found the staged fights to be artificial and lacking in authenticity. Unlike his peers, whose lives had been sheltered within the walls of the academy, Aleric had faced true danger and adversity from a young age.

Despite his disillusionment, Aleric recognized the skill displayed by one particular student—a young woman with long red hair. Her movements were fluid and precise, a testament to her training and experience. In contrast, another student—an elegant elf—stood little chance against her formidable prowess.

As Aleric watched the captivating display of skill and technique, he couldn't shake the feeling that his journey at the academy would be far from easy. With each passing moment, he felt the weight of his past experiences shaping his perspective, driving him to strive for excellence in the face of adversity. Little did he know that this encounter would mark the beginning of a new chapter in his life—one filled with challenges, growth, and the pursuit of his true potential.