Pride and Simulation

Despite Marcus's loud declaration of surrender, the simulation did not come to an immediate halt. Aleric, seizing the moment, provided Marcus with a daunting option: "Your only way out is to turn your own sword upon yourself." This suggestion was not just a way to end the combat; it was a direct strike at Marcus's pride. Marcus, who had entered the fight with arrogance, believing the match to be easily won, found himself cornered by his own ego.

Aleric, exploiting Marcus's desperation, danced around him with his sword, slashing the air with incredible speed yet deliberately avoiding any contact. His blade was a blur, each movement designed to intimidate rather than injure. Overwhelmed and driven by fear, Marcus ultimately did what Aleric suggested, bringing the simulation to an end.

As the combat concluded, the professors addressed them, "It seems it was quite the battle, taking its time to resolve. Unfortunately, we are unable to see what happens within the simulation, but judging by the magical mark left by Marcus's own sword, it must have been intriguing to witness. Both of you will be placed in the advanced class of our academy. Welcome, and proceed to your dormitories. Here are your uniforms." As the professors handed over the uniforms and congratulated them, they added a final note regarding Marcus's condition. "The magical mark caused by your own sword will fade in a couple of minutes," they assured. This was a small comfort to Marcus, whose bruised ego and the stark reminder of his defeat were far more lasting than any physical mark. For Aleric, it was a testament to his strategic prowess and an early indication of how his unique experiences and skills might set him apart in this new, competitive environment.

The instructors' inability to observe the events within the simulation left them unaware of the psychological warfare Aleric had waged. Their decision to place both participants in the advanced class was based on the outcome's ambiguity and the assumption of a fiercely contested duel. This resolution marked the beginning of Aleric's journey in the academy, a path that promised challenges and growth, and perhaps, a deeper understanding of his own capabilities and the nature of power within the academy's walls.