Blades of Destiny: A Trial Begins

As the sun rose over the academy grounds, Evelina woke Aleric from his slumber, reminding him of the imminent Swordsmanship class that awaited them. Despite the weariness evident on his face from a night spent pondering his plans and thoughts, Aleric knew he couldn't afford to be late on his first day.

With Evelina by his side, Aleric made his way to the training field, where the Swordsmanship class would take place. The instructor, Mr. Smith, stood at the forefront, his presence commanding attention as he prepared to assess the students' sword-handling skills.

"Today, we'll focus solely on the art of fencing," announced Mr. Smith, his voice echoing across the field. "Prepare yourselves for a practical demonstration of your abilities."

As the students gathered, Aleric couldn't help but notice the marked divisions among them. Nobles and commoners stood apart, their differences evident not only in their attire but also in the presence of servants by the former's side. Aleric, accompanied by Evelina, observed the scene with quiet determination, knowing that his facade as a nobleman depended on his performance in the upcoming trial.

Just as the tension mounted, Mr. Smith's voice cut through the air once more, capturing everyone's attention. With a wave of his hand, he conjured a portal, reminiscent of the one Aleric had encountered during his trial for the advanced class. As the students hesitated, unsure of what awaited them on the other side, the blank space before them suddenly transformed into a bustling village, brought to life by Mr. Smith's magical prowess.

"Now then, who among you will volunteer for a demonstration?" inquired Mr. Smith, his gaze sweeping over the gathered students. "And against whom do you wish to test your skills?"

With the challenge laid before them, the students ventured through with Mr. Smith.