The Enigmatic Connection

Shadows of the Past

After Aleric's departure following Elyana's intervention, she trails after him, curiosity evident in her gaze. "Where are you from?" she inquires softly.

Aleric meets her gaze, a hint of hesitation flickering in his eyes before he responds, "I hail from Regalia, born into the Thornfel lineage."

Elyana's expression shifts, a subtle sadness clouding her features as she nods. "I see," she murmurs, her tone tinged with melancholy.

Puzzled by her reaction, Aleric presses further, "What's troubling you? Why does this matter?"

Elyana hesitates before speaking, her voice soft yet tinged with sorrow. "There was a young man from Thaloria, born of royal blood, who bore the same features—white hair and brilliant blue eyes. But he vanished after his parents' demise. Our families were closely intertwined."

Aleric's eyes widen in surprise at the revelation, a myriad of emotions swirling within him as he grapples with the implications of Elyana's words.

"Elyana, do you know how old he was when he disappeared?" Aleric asks, his voice tinged with urgency.

She furrows her brow, trying to recall the details from her father's accounts. "I don't remember precisely since I was only a year old then. But my father told me he was around the same age as me, about one year old. After that incident, my father feared for my safety as well. That fear drove him to train me rigorously from a young age. While I missed out on a normal childhood, I don't resent it. The training has given me the skills to make a difference in the world."

Aleric listens intently, a mix of determination and curiosity shining in his eyes. The mystery surrounding the disappearance of the young man from Thaloria intertwines with his own past and the secrets of his lineage, sparking a newfound resolve within him.

"I hope to witness your training and skills at the upcoming event," Aleric says, his tone resolute. "It will be a true test of our abilities."

As the sun sets over the academy grounds, casting long shadows across the cobblestone paths, Elyana and Aleric stand in silent contemplation, their thoughts intertwined with the enigma of the past.

As he heads back to his dorm, Aleric can't shake the thought that he might be the young boy from Thaloria. The similarities in their features and the timing of their disappearances weigh heavily on his mind as he drifts off to sleep, the mystery of his past haunting his dreams.

Later that night, he finds Evelina waiting for him, concern etched on her features. "You look exhausted," she remarks softly, reaching out to touch his arm gently.

Aleric manages a small smile, grateful for her presence. "I couldn't sleep," he admits, his voice betraying his weariness.

Evelina's expression softens further, and she steps closer. "I'm sorry for what happened the other night," she begins, her tone sincere. "But what I said about caring for you is not false. I want you to be happy, Aleric, even if it means finding happiness elsewhere."

Aleric meets her gaze, gratitude and affection evident in his eyes. "Thank you, Evelina," he murmurs, touched by her understanding and support.

With a reassuring smile, Evelina bids him goodnight, her concern lingering even after she leaves the room. Aleric settles into bed, his mind swirling with thoughts of the past, the upcoming event, and the enigmatic connection hinted at by Elyana's words.

Throughout the night, amidst the tumult of emotions and thoughts, Aleric couldn't shake off Lord Harrington's dying words: "How are you alive? The news of your death... along with your family... reached me..." The cryptic statement echoed in his mind, intertwining with the enigma of his past and the unsettling revelation from Elyana.