The Golden Assignment

As they entered the office where Veridian awaited, the atmosphere seemed to shimmer with an air of authority and intrigue. Veridian, a young man with striking grey hair and adorned in resplendent golden noble attire, regarded them with a keen gaze that betrayed a wisdom beyond his years.

"Ah, Damien, the years have not been kind to you," Veridian remarked with a faint smile, though his eyes held a measure of expectation. "I trust your skills have not dulled. I have a private mission for you."

With a gesture, Veridian indicated that everyone except Damien should depart. However, Damien interjected smoothly, "You need not worry, my lord. The young man here," Damien nodded towards Aleric, "will handle your mission."

Aleric's expression remained composed, though inwardly, he felt a surge of curiosity and apprehension. Veridian's gaze shifted to Aleric, sizing him up with a mix of scrutiny and expectation.

"You will be compensated generously for this task," Veridian continued, his voice carrying a weight of authority. "Your reward will be commensurate with your success—your weight in gold."

The gravity of the situation settled upon Aleric as Veridian laid out the mission: eliminate certain troublesome nobles without leaving any witnesses. Aleric absorbed the instructions with a calm demeanor, though inwardly, questions churned within him.

Damien, however, seemed momentarily taken aback by the severity of the task. His expression flickered with a hint of concern, though he quickly masked it with a nod of understanding.

"Of course, my lord. Consider it done," Damien replied, though Aleric noted a subtle tension in his mentor's stance.

Veridian's gaze lingered on Aleric for a moment longer before dismissing them both with a wave of his hand. As they exited the office, Aleric couldn't shake the weight of the mission that now lay before him—a mission that would test not only his skills but also his convictions and the price of loyalty in a world veiled by shadows and secrets.

Then Veridian said, "Well, they will go through a swamp on the east side, where you can ambush them and complete the job. The swamp is deadly by itself, but since the carriage is heavily guarded, you have until the next day. That is when they are going to depart. In the meantime, you can enjoy my kingdom and its luxuries. That will be all; you may retire as I have important matters to attend to."

As they departed from Veridian's office, a sense of gravity hung heavy in the air, amplified by the weight of the mission ahead. Aleric kept his composure despite the swirling thoughts and concerns within him. It wasn't until they were at a safe distance that he overheard a disturbing occurrence.

A subtle disturbance in the air caught Aleric's attention, like a distant echo of power resonating through the mansion. He paused momentarily, his senses heightened, as if anticipating something ominous.

A faint sound, almost imperceptible, reached his ears—a portal opening within Veridian's office. A chilling voice, distinct from Veridian's, spoke in tones that sent shivers down Aleric's spine. "That young lad will become a problem in the future. Perhaps we should deal with him. I sense within him the power of the hero Alex, the one who sealed the Gates of the Infernos."

Aleric's steps faltered briefly, his mind racing with questions and apprehensions. Who spoke with Veridian in such sinister tones? What did they know about his lineage and powers? The pieces of a puzzle he had yet to fully understand seemed to fall into place with unnerving clarity.

Veridian's response was a murmur, too low for Aleric to discern the words clearly, but the tone hinted at a mix of caution and contemplation.

Resuming his pace alongside Damien, Aleric couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched, of unseen forces converging upon his path. Veridian's parting words echoed in his mind, an enigma wrapped in foreboding. "...when his time comes."

Outside the opulent mansion of Lord Veridian, beneath the golden hue of Desiería's elite district, Aleric's thoughts churned with newfound weight. The mission loomed ahead, but now intertwined with a deeper mystery—one that hinted at ancient powers and hidden legacies that could shape not just his fate, but the fate of realms beyond mortal understanding. With determination etched in his gaze, Aleric steeled himself for the challenges that awaited, knowing that the road ahead would demand more than just skill with a blade or mastery of magic. It would require the courage to confront truths buried in the shadows of history and the strength to forge his own destiny amidst the machinations of powers far beyond his ken.