Azarin Empire's Goddess

Jormungandr's eyes widened as he heard the description. Even if size did not necessarily mean more power, it was still a very good measure, and to make golden light flood the sky, she had to be capable of extraordinary spellcasting power.

On the other hand, Vlad frowned as he heard those words and saw how the man described her. "I feel there is something wrong with his description."

"Do you think he is lying, Boss? My Mind Flicker spell should still be in action, compelling him to speak honestly, and the A.I. Chip detected no sign of lying," Jormungandr spoke with confusion as he stared at Vlad. 

"No, it is not that." Vlad immediately shook his head, knowing the man was clearly in no condition to lie, but he still felt something wrong about that description. "I have a suspicion of what it could be, but I will make certain once I interrogate the others."