Overlord (II)

All the people in the Silent Wind Military Base turned toward the massive tower glowing with radiant energy, and they could not help but gaze with awe and wonder at the flaming eye at its peak.

Even Freya, who came from a much more advanced civilization, couldn't help but glance at the tower in shock. A feeling arose in her heart; she sensed that this tower was something new to the world, destined to generate an impact that would spread beyond the borders of a New Plane.

Vlad wore a wide smile as he saw the Xaos Tower's energy circuits fully operational. "The hardware is ready. It's time for the software."

"A.I. Chip, make a clone with all your information that can be installed into this tower. Its main directive is to ensure the survival of Jormungandr and me..." As he reached this point, a meaningful light appeared in Vlad's eyes, and a figure appeared in his mind. "...and the Viking princess Freya."