Overlord's analysis

"Yes, Lord Jormungandr. We have placed enough communication towers to establish our network throughout the entire Turkin Kingdom. We are awaiting new components to expand implementation along the border," Grand Marshal Anglius responded promptly, his voice firm and precise.

The small yellow cat nodded to the golden giant before turning toward Freya and the others. "I'll go and speak with Overlord. Take the rest of the day to rest. We are safe here," he said reassuringly.

As he finished speaking, Jormungandr paused for a moment, a fleeting shadow crossing his eyes. He kept certain thoughts to himself. 'We are safe for the time being,' he mused silently, his gaze drifting toward the distant horizon. Even for him, the terror of the hive was staggering, and it was not easy to reconcile the unease in his mind.