First defeat

"Prepare for volcanic detonation. All units, brace for impact."

Atop the volcano's zenith, dozens of fire Mages stood in formation. They chanted in unison, their hands weaving intricate patterns of arcane energy. They redirected the immense heat and pressure within the volcano, guiding it with precise control.

Suddenly, under the gaze of all the Leviathans, the volcano erupted. A colossal plume of fire, ash, and molten rock burst into the sky. The sound was deafening, a thunderous roar that drowned out the noise of battle. 

Thanks to the guidance of the fire Mages, the eruption's force was directed outward, away from the inner ring of Kuro Mountain. Torrents of lava cascaded down the outer slopes, a fiery avalanche that consumed everything in its path. Massive boulders, superheated and glowing, were hurled through the air, crashing into the Leviathan ranks with explosive force.