Jormungandr's return

As the last of the Leviathans fell and the battle for Kuro Mountain came to an end, a profound silence settled over the battlefield. Exhausted beyond measure, the human troops began to collapse where they stood, their bodies finally succumbing to the overwhelming fatigue that had been kept at bay by sheer willpower and determination.

No matter if they were seasoned generals or simple foot soldiers, all shared the same exhaustion. The moment their minds processed the fact that the fight was over, their willpower and fighting spirit finally gave in. 

Black blood, thick and viscous, coated the landscape, and millions of Leviathan corpses were strewn across the mountain and its surroundings. There was much work to be done—disposing of the Leviathan bodies to prevent contamination, tending to the wounded, and fortifying their position—but at that moment, the only thing that everybody could do was simply rest.