
Vlad exchanged a solemn glance with Freya, and in near unison, they slipped into their formal attire. They left the comfort of the Xaos Tower, soared briefly above the city's rings, then glided down to the ground a few meters beyond the outer gates. Their expressions were composed and dignified, ready for the somber duty that awaited them.

The gates of Xaos City's outer ring creaked open soon after, and soldiers began to stream out. Behind them came hundreds, then thousands, and eventually millions of civilians, all of whom arranged themselves on either side of the main road, leaving a broad, clear path in the center.

Within the span of an hour, at least a million citizens had assembled in neat, respectful formations outside the city walls. Their faces reflected a heavy mixture of sorrow, pride, and anticipation as they turned to observe the distant procession. The war with the Leviathans might have ended, but the grim cost of victory was just now making its return.