Dealing with angels and heretic (II)

Ouroboros was not worried about killing the man. Thanks to the A.I. Chip, he knew precisely how much force to use to cripple but not kill, ensuring the angel remained alive. In the blink of an eye, the Depravita of Greed twisted his torso, generating a centripetal rush of destructive energy that snuffed out every spell hurtling his way. He then launched forward in a spine-rattling tackle that nearly split another angel—a woman with luminescent, shimmering wings—in two.

Rikochet, the Level 16 angel with magma-like wings, watched in wide-eyed horror. The ease with which this fiendish werewolf laid waste to his kin was staggering. Fear crept into Rikochet's chest, seizing his heart, and a desperate thought sprang to mind. Raising his hand, he conjured a pulsating wave of molten magic, blasting a massive hole in the penthouse ceiling.