An immense wave of pain assaulted the three-headed minotaur. Lightning and fire coursed through his flesh, wreaking havoc on his nervous system. From the inside out, his body was scorched and torn, yet even under such catastrophic damage and excruciating agony, he refused to yield.
"ROOOOOOAARRRRRR!" Ovalion stood his ground, all three of his monstrous heads roaring in defiance against the onslaught.
Jormungandr had leaped away from the minotaur immediately after unleashing his devastating spell. As he landed, he saw Ovalion still standing despite what should have been a lethal strike.
The small yellow cat's eyes widened in surprise, and his mind buzzed with shock. "I used two of my Depravita Aura waves for that attack, and he's still on his feet! Just how strong is this monster?"