Ambush (III)

Zalasar paid no heed to the numerous Vorometallicae warriors surging around him. His gaze was locked onto a single target: the towering champion wielding a massive halberd at the rear of the monstrous horde.

Each meter that Zalasar's warhorse galloped forward only increased his momentum and determination. He poured his energy into the blade he gripped, intending to unleash all of it in one decisive strike.

At the same time, the Voroe Sage focused his own lethal intent on Zalasar, ignoring everything else on the battlefield. With a burst of raw power, the colossal creature charged, his colossal stride shattering the ground beneath his feet. Lesser Voroe scrambled out of his way, but many weren't quick enough and were crushed underfoot.

At last, the two warriors met with a thunderous clash. The halberd and sword collided in a burst of kinetic force that blasted nearby Voroe and human soldiers alike off their feet.