Dear You.

Dear You.

I can't begin to express my condolences for the amount of pain I put you through.

Here's to,

The only woman who could take all of the hurt I gave and remain true.

And I can't begin to say how deeply it cut me to have to watch you walk away.

But I did it to myself.

There was nothing left to even try to say to change your mind.

Get you to stay.

Dear You.

Usually, my favorite quote rings true.

"Ex is short for EXAMPLE of what not to do."

But not for you...

But in a sense it was true.

Because you did what any wise woman would do,

You looked after YOU.

And even though it hurt worse than anything I've ever been through,

I could never blame you...

Sadly not even you could tame me.

I fooled you twice, shamed you...

Dear You.

You held strong while I ventured astray.

And looking back I feel like I treated you like less than a lover, more of an indentured slave.

You should have never had to live that way.

You gave me the best of you and all I could do was look away.

Play all of those games I played,

I took your innocent heart away.

And now I'll live on with the scars but truly YOU'RE the one who paid...

Dear You.

I wish that I could show you the changes I've made, and how I've forsaken who-

I used to be and replaced him with a new me.

But unlike the pain I gave you, my words will never breakthrough...

Your ravaged heart, I could never make new. 

But now you're free to do you,

And I'll do me.

I saved you,

By pushing you away from that old me that enslaved you.

Dear You.

Please don't get me wrong,

I did you wrong,

Oh, how I've paid too!!

Believe me, karma's been a bitch

But I deserved nothing less for how I filleted you.

I only say "I saved you"

Because in the end, that stays true.

I know I burned your castle down, but look at what those fires made you.

I know you're stronger than the rest, because to yourself you stayed true.

Dear You.

And we may never talk again.

We may go on till death comes,

Never having even been friends.

But If you read this you'll know who it's about,

maybe the stale pain will end.

And young or old, your castle can be refortified, stand strong again.

Because hearts can break but emotions only bend.

I know you'll never love me again, you may never care to speak ever

But all I ask is forgiveness...

From Dear You.