Last summer.

Feels like I loved her just yesterday. 

Scattered everything across the floor...

She thought I never listened to what she'd say.

Can't call her Lover, not anymore...

Just want to be with you.

Seeing everything play through.

Kinda got it misconstrued.

Certain things that I couldn't do... 

Feels like I left her yesterday...

Maybe I don't know her anymore.

Black eye shadow to mask the tears...

Things still scattered across the floor.

How can we fix what's left?

Slow-cooker thoughts, no chief...

Tugging at my strings, no clef.

She's running with my heart, grand theft...

She drinks,

I smoke,

We fight,

And we run.

Don't see each other's side

Till it's done...

Cold words off her dome that she can't take back 

That's bummer...

Don't know if she knows, 

But I cut those strings last summer.

Her cigarettes

Blend with my weed smoke.

She took two shots,

I just roll and toke...

No accountability

That girl's a runner...

Cut her off last week,

But I'll still see her this summer...