Chapter - 6


Chapter - 6: The Awakening of the Supreme King


Raynare lay sprawled on the ground in a different position from the others as Judai used his dragon arm to wrap his fist around her face. With unrelenting force, he smashed her head against the stone floor, eliciting a cry of pain from her.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on her, filthy human!" Kalawarner shouted, just waking up from her previous attack, which had been repulsed. But her voice was cut off by a dark spear from the new Duel Monster.

Judai ignored Kalawarner's protests. "Pay no attention to her. Now you'd better answer my questions, please? Or else..." Before he could finish his sentence, he increased the pressure on Raynare's head.

She met his gaze with a defiant look. "I-I have no intention of doing so!"

Judai chose a more aggressive approach and didn't hesitate to start the interrogation. His words were cold and sharp: "I'm not going to waste any more time with you. Tell me, why did you try to kill me and my brother?" The dragon arm held the woman's head firmly to the ground.

It was obvious that she still didn't realize that she was completely under its control and that she could only hope to avoid a fate worse than death by obeying it. After all, Judai was different from what he had been in the past; he had no qualms about dealing with his enemies.

Raynare glared at him with hateful eyes and spat in his face with a gesture of contempt. "Go to hell, human!" Her response was met with increased pressure on her wounds, a clear indication that her hostile attitude would only make her already disastrous situation worse.

It was obvious that Judai had no intention of hesitating in dealing with her. After all, he was adept at reading the emotions of others, and he recognized the contempt and intent to kill in the girl's words and looks.

Despite Raynare's cries of pain, Judai's face remained impassive. It wasn't his intention to kill her, at least not at that moment. He had chosen this method not so much to get answers, but to inflict pain on her. It was a way to make her pay for what she had done.

Although he didn't particularly enjoy this kind of approach, he had to admit that it was very effective. He was grateful for how it had helped him recruit powerful Duel Monsters upon his return to the Dark World in preparation for the final battle against the Light of Destruction.

It was obvious that she was asking for trouble. "Just tell me the truth and I'll let you go. I promise," Judai lied, trying to appear as sincere as possible. But it seemed that she didn't believe his words, but honestly, it didn't change her situation much.

And he couldn't blame her, because honestly, he wouldn't believe anyone in such a situation either, 'I should have used a different approach, right, Yubel?' he asked his guardian for advice, knowing that she had more experience in torturing enemies and subjugating them to his will.

"You are doing well, Judai. That little crow just has a severe superiority complex. All you have to do is break her pride and she'll turn into a cute little pet that wouldn't dare turn on you," Yubel advised.

"When I am free of this human, I will kill you like the pathetic worm you are!" Raynare tried to threaten me instead, her answer met with a raised eyebrow from Judai.


Was she serious? Did she not understand her situation? How deep was her superiority complex? Maybe it would be better to hand her over to Azazel to get all the details about this world. But honestly, was it worth it?

Maybe, but first she needed a serious reality check to understand that humans were not as weak as she believed and that they could prove to be dangerous beings not to be underestimated.

"It's going to be a long day, isn't it?" he thought as he watched the fallen angel continue to struggle to free herself from his grip. The girl's wounds had already stopped bleeding, and she even seemed to be regaining some strength.

Though Judai considered her a lower level fallen angel for obvious reasons, she clearly demonstrated that the various races that populated this world were not to be underestimated.

"Argh!" Raynare groaned in pain, unable to resist, struggling to move a limb. It was a pitiful sight. As much as Judai tried to be ruthless, he wasn't good at this kind of thing after all.

"Then let's increase her pain, Judai," Yubel said in an almost sadistic tone as whip-like tendrils formed around the dragon's arm and began to pierce through her limbs.

But despite everything, Raynare maintained her arrogance. "Y-you know who you're messing with!" Her fallen angel constitution began to show, as if she were a normal person enduring such wounds. She should have lost her life from blood loss long ago, but she still remained defiant.

"Yes, obviously you don't," Judai focused some of his energy through the dragon arm, overwhelming her own light-based magical energy. The goal was to ensure that Raynare had no hidden winning cards or secret escape techniques.

Raynare gasped under the weight of the foreign magical power coursing through her body. Every fiber of her being felt stretched to its limits just by coming into contact with this crushing power.

This power was simply too much for her. It was as if she was an ant, ready to be slowly crushed. "Ju-just wha-what are you..." Her fear was palpable; Raynare had never imagined that she could be so easily overpowered by a mere human.

Judai knelt before Raynare, maintaining eye contact as she trembled with fear. Her condition was pitiful, her dress torn and her body covered in wounds. There was nothing left to hide, making her look almost like a streetwalker.

He stared into Raynare's eyes, unwavering, "I understand you have character, I grant you that... That means I have to be more convincing," Judai murmured in a tone that could freeze even the fires of Múspellsheimr, his eyes promising anything but joy.

'Yubel,' Judai simply called out, feeling no need to add more, for their bond was something no one could ever fully comprehend.

"Don't worry, Judai~," Yubel replied with obvious excitement. "Leave it to me. I'll do my best to entertain our new friend and get what we need."

'All right, but don't overdo it and try to get only relevant information about this world. I'm tired of not being able to get a complete picture and not knowing what kind of dangers surround us...'

"Of course, Judai, I'm just a cute little demon who wouldn't even hurt an insect," Yubel said in an obedient and amused tone, interrupting his sentence.

Judai nodded with a slightly ironic smile on his lips, fully aware that behind Yubel's playful face lurked a demon with sadistic desires, ready to tear apart any obstacle in their path.

Raynare was surprised when she suddenly lost the feeling of pressure around her neck, but the biggest shock came when she saw a monstrous vertical eye form in the palm of Judai's dragon arm, while a shiver ran down her spine.

And before she could react in any way, his dragon arm grabbed her head while the monstrous eye on his palm glowed with power, waiting for Yubel to do the rest with her powers as this was the best method to extract information from her.

Of course, he knew there were other ways to achieve his goal, but he felt the need to inflict pain on Raynare for trying to kill his brother. He was determined to make his enemies understand that it would be unwise to move against him.

"W-What are you doing..." stammered Raynare, her voice weak with fear as her eyes widened at something only she could see. She didn't even get to finish the sentence before her body began to convulse violently, as if she was living through her worst nightmare.

After a moment, a pungent smell of ammonia permeated the air, while a wet spot was clearly visible beneath her, an unmistakable sign that she had lost control of her bladder.

Despite her lack of control, Judai didn't let it show on his face. He was used to such scenes, as when he was the Supreme King, every single Duel Monster that challenged his authority ended up like this.

"Done, Judai. Now you can let the little one go, otherwise I think her mind will be completely broken," Yubel said in a tone that was clearly amused by what she was witnessing.

"Alright," he simply replied and let Raynare's now lifeless body fall to the ground. She looked like a broken doll, her eyes completely dull and her mouth dripping drool.

After receiving all the information from Raynare's mind, Yubel transferred every detail of her knowledge to Judai; thanks to their bond, such a thing was as easy as winning a duel.

In an instant, Judai was overwhelmed by a flood of information, a constant stream of details about beings that should only exist in legends and stories.

"This is... impossible," Judai murmured as the vastness of the information swallowed him up. 'Are you telling me that in this world, every myth, every legend we've ever heard... is true?'

Yubel nodded solemnly. "Exactly. Every deity, every supernatural creature you've ever imagined exists in this world."

Judai felt overwhelmed by the new information. He had been catapulted into a whole new universe, where every mythology and pantheon came to life, where magic was commonplace and supernatural creatures of all kinds abounded.

'But what does that mean for us?' Judai felt compelled to ask, trying to make sense of the chaos in his mind.

"It means that this world could be much more dangerous than we imagined," Yubel replied, her tone filled with seriousness. "And humans are considered the weakest, at the bottom of the food chain in this world, where anyone can die."

Judai felt that things were getting more complicated than he had expected as he pondered Yubel's words. Every certainty he had until that moment seemed to crumble beneath his feet.

From the beginning, Judai knew that this world wasn't exactly peaceful, with all the supernatural creatures roaming free, but he never expected such a high level of danger that would force him to keep a low profile.

Deep down, the child in him was thrilled, for he loved stories about heroes of the past. But his adult side was still troubled to find himself in a situation that seemed unchanged from the past.

"Raynare! Damn human! You..." Kalawarner started to shout again, but he cut her off.

Judai didn't even give her time to finish the sentence before he stomped on her skull, knocking her unconscious. "You know, you were much more bearable when you were unconscious," he commented coldly.

Indeed, from what he had observed so far, fallen angels seemed to be naturally resistant to death. So he didn't bother to be gentle with them, knowing that without Yubel's powers, he was only slightly stronger than a normal human.

Finally, he approached the only male fallen angel in their group. There was no need to silence him; his condition spoke volumes. Deep wounds marred his body, and his chest was scorched, leaving little room to breathe, let alone speak.

And in the end, he went to the one he knew would be the most cooperative: Mittelt. She was already trembling like a leaf in the wind, just because Judai approached her like a brat in need of rough treatment.

"Afterwards, I'll take care of you too..." Judai said simply. But to Mittelt, those words sounded like an order from a king, and she could only nod, her cheeks flushed and stuttering something.

"Now that you've solved your little loli problem, what are you going to do with these clowns?" Yubel whispered conspiratorially, "Are you going to kill them?" she added, enjoying the sight of her beloved Supreme King manifesting his absolute power.

Judai didn't react immediately, surveying his surroundings, for all the fallen angels had been completely subdued by him. All he had to do was decide what to do with them.

He already had the information he needed. He could kill them all, couldn't he? After all, they had tried to kill him...

Why did he waste his time to knock them out? They didn't deserve his mercy or pity. It would be better to eliminate them all to prevent future problems, at least that's what his dark side thought.

They had targeted him because they believed he possessed a sacred artifact due to his unique presence. They were there on the orders of a fallen angel named Kokabiel, who was tasked with finding and eliminating Sacred Gear wielders in Kuoh.

"This situation feels really strange and I don't like it at all," Judai explained, trying to analyze the situation. Then he turned to Issei, who was still lying there, looking incredulous at what was happening.

"Wh... what?"

"You should go home," Judai suggested as Issei gave him an incredulous look, trying to comprehend the absurdity of what he was saying. "Things are about to get more than complicated." But before he could say more.

"Wait!" Issei stammered, trying to stop Judai. "What's going on?" He tried to say something but realized that it was useless. Judai found it amusing to see him so confused for the first time about something that didn't involve a girl from their school with big breasts.

'Yubel, can you hypnotize him and send him home?' Judai asked. 'I have to sort out this mess, and with him here it's going to be really difficult, especially since I have to deal with those crows, and I don't want him drawing any more attention than he already is.'

"That shouldn't be a problem, since the dragon inside him hasn't awakened yet. Also, for your information, I sense an energy similar to that of the girls from your school in your brother's pocket," Yubel said.

"What happened to Yuuma-chan?" Issei asked but Judai ignored him. Everything would become clear later. For now, he needed time to think about this new information.

Judai gave a cold look as he gently placed his hand on his brother's head, causing Yubel's monstrous eye to appear and take care of Issei.

"You know what to do, Yubel," Judai said calmly.

Suddenly, Issei felt a shiver of terror run down his spine, his body growing stiffer and heavier as darkness enveloped him. His eyes clouded more and more until he fell under Yubel's influence.

"Ni-sama, did someone give you something when you came to this place?" Judai asked and received a confused nod from Issei. The latter pulled a small note with a strange seal out of his pocket and offered it to Judai with a puzzled expression.

Issei handed the note to Judai, whose eyebrows raised slightly as he examined it. With a curious gesture, Judai took the paper and felt a strange energy emanating from the seal imprinted on it.

"Yubel, is this what I think it is?" Judai asked his guardian for confirmation, looking at him with serious eyes.

"Yes, it's a way to summon the owner of this seal, and it's identical to the business card the old pervert gave you, so you could call him in case of need or emergency," Yubel replied, confirming his suspicion.

"Then it's better that I keep it," Judai concluded, taking the seal and carefully hiding it among his belongings. "Besides, I think this counts as an emergency, right?"

"I think so, since we intend to kill his people. Besides, we might be able to do him a favor and get some useful information from him. For example, we could ask him to help us develop your Sacred Gear, since he seems to know a lot about it. Or we could use his background to gain the support of other supernatural factions who will try to recruit you once they discover your true strength."

"I see your point," Judai agreed with a slight sigh as the atmosphere around him calmed and his eyes returned to normal, no longer radiating the power of the Supreme King. He let a feeling of calm permeate his surroundings as he thought about the current situation.

Thus, Issei walked away alone, unharmed, under the starry sky, and this night would remain only a bad dream in his memory. With the environment now peaceful, Judai found himself alone, but with a sense of inner peace. Knowing that Issei was safe, at least for the moment, there was nothing more to worry about.

Judai, now relieved of the tension of the situation that had just passed, reached into his pocket. He calmly pulled out a black business card with an elegant image of two crow's wings printed on it.

Clutching it between his fingers, Judai stared at the symbol on the card for a moment as a light night breeze brushed against his face. With determination, he focused his inner power and sent a subtle energy through his fingers into the card as a yellow summoning circle appeared before him.

Inside the circle, a man materialized, wearing a yukata that gave him an elegant and dignified appearance. Despite his average build, he exuded an aura of greatness and power that permeated the air around him.

Black hair flowed neatly down the sides of his face, kissed by a golden curl that gave him a touch of radiance. A carefully groomed goatee adorned his chin, giving him an aura of wisdom and authority, or so it would seem, were it not for the blatantly amused expression that painted his face as he watched everything around him with interest.

"Trouble always seems to find you, one way or another, doesn't it, Judai?"


A/N: I hope you enjoy the chapter!

On the other hand, if you want to see something specific in the next chapters, or even just have some good advice for the story as a whole, I am always willing to read a comment if it is constructive criticism.

If you see any mistakes, I would be grateful if you would point them out to me, so that I can correct them when I have some spare time, and make the story as complete as possible for myself and especially for you.

To facilitate a clearer understanding, I've retained pictures of the respective characters. Your feedback is always valued, and if you have any suggestions for the upcoming chapter, please feel free to comment—I'll be sure to respond as usual.

Please leave a review if you like the story.
