The next morning, after chores were done, we piled into the old farm truck and went to town for feed.
Mom was dressed just like Josie - short skirt and t-shirt, with her white sneakers and no socks. Her legs were white from never getting any sun and she looked down at Josie's legs as she sat between mom and me.
"I need to get more sun," she told us.
I really think that was when mom made up her mind to make a big change. She's already looking at sex different and she's dressed a lot more daring this morning. But right then was when she decided she wanted to be outside, naked with Josie and me, whenever we could.
We went by the feed store first and left our order so they could have it ready when we came back, since we were picking up our monthly order.
Josie and I both noticed the man who owns the feed store as he looked mom up and down. He was all but speechless as she bent to look at some flowers in small pots. Her skirt is one of Josie's and it's way the hell shorter on Mom. She's wearing some of Josie's bikini panties and her butt was shining. I wanted to walk up and stick my dick in her pussy from behind, but knew I couldn't.
"Mom, Gene was really looking at your butt when you were bent over," Josie said as we left.
"Honestly - I couldn't stop wishing he would jerk my panties down and fuck me. I feel so fucking horny dressed like this, my pussy is wet just from bending over like that in front of him letting him see my ass. I even wished I wasn't wearing panties so he could see my pussy."
"Would you let him fuck you, Mom? You know he's not married don't you? His daughter goes to school with us. She said her Mom left them last year and never came back," Josie said.
"Oh really? Well if that handsome devil wants some MY pussy, all he has to do is step up to the plate and get him some."
I looked at Josie and she winked at me. I knew Josie was already up to something. Mom had better watch what she says around Josie, she'll have to put up or shut up.
Over the next three hours, we went in all the small local stores that sell clothes. Mom and Josie bought a lot of new clothes and I got a couple of pairs of jeans and some shirts for school.
We gathered up our purchases and went to stock up on some groceries, since we'll be having three more family members living with us soon.
When we got back to the feed store, Jean - the owner's daughter was there and when she and Josie went to look at a litter of kittens in back, I went with them. I saw Gene and Mom looking at the little flower pots again - well - she's bent over looking, he's bent over looking at Mom's butt.
"Jean, you'll have to come out and meet our cousins from California. They're coming to live with us on the farm," Josie told her friend.
"Hey, I'd love to meet them. Is one of them a boy?"
Jean is about Josie's size and she's got some nice titties just like Josie. Her sexy butt makes my dick hard. I wished she would come out more, now that she's sexier than ever.
"Yeah, Robby is about Jody's size and Demi looks like a movie star. They've been in a Catholic school for years and don't know a lot about sex," Josie told her.
"I bet you know a lot about sex, don't you?" Jean asked.
"As a matter of fact I do. I've had my pussy sucked and I've been fucked by a big cock that belongs to the best lover in the state."
"No shit? I bet you and Jody have been messing around, haven't you? I wish I had a brother."
"Would you let your brother fuck you? If you had a brother?" Josie was on her way. My dick was getting hard, knowing what she was up to.
"I might, but I've never even seen a boys ... you know, his thing."
"I'd let you fuck my brother, if you weren't afraid to let him stick his big dick in your pussy." Josie piled it on, and I could see Jean looking at me, smiling.
"I'd let Jody fuck me right now if I knew we wouldn't get caught," Jean smiled at me, then rubbed her hand over the crotch of her shorts, her knees pressed together as she squatted.
"You'll have time to get fucked twice, if you start right now," Josie told her.
"Your mom or my daddy could walk back here any minute. I'd die if they caught us. I'd really like for Jody to fuck me though."
She looked at me. Hell, I'd fuck her in front of Mom and her Dad if she'd let me.