"Jody, if you and Josie are sure you want me to divorce your dad, let's go for it. I'm tired of living my life alone and never feeling loved. I'd love to have a man like Gene who wanted to hold me and make love no matter where we are."
"Leave it to us. We want to have a big cook-out when they get here from California and we're going to make sure everyone gets fucked," Josie said.
When we got home we unloaded the feed in the feed shed.
In the house, Josie ran straight to my room. We share a computer and I keep it in my room. We only have dial-up and it's slow as hell, but we make do with it.
I walked in with both of us a glass of iced tea as she worked on the keyboard. I saw her type in the address of where Dad stays when he's not on the off-shore rig. He told us it was a boarding house, but Josie found out in the court records that the house was listed as a residence belonging to a woman in her thirties. Josie typed the woman's name into Google People Search and it came back that she had changed her name.
"FUCK JODY! Look at this. This God-Damned, fucking whore has our last name, " Josie screamed.
"What? Do you reckon dad married her ... while he's still married to mom?"
We both read all the details on the page.
"We'll find out real fucking quick," Josie said as she clicked back to the court records.
We didn't find out real quick - but we did find out. While the marriage records were loading, she and I walked downstairs to see mom. She was sitting at the table, opening and looking through the mail.
She was reading a letter from dad.
"Your dad says to tell you both hi and that he'll be home in another month or so, they've been working a lot of overtime and he's sent some money to the bank account," Mom said.
Josie and I looked at each other, then Josie took the letter from mom's hands and crumpled it up, then threw it on the floor.
"Josie, what in the world has come over you? I was reading that letter!"
"Come with us, Mom," Josie said as we each took a hand and pulled her up from the table.
When we returned to my room, the files had loaded. Right there in front of us were the marriage records and as she scrolled through the previous year. We were about to give up when we saw Joseph D. Winters of Worden, Kansas listed with Alisha Allene Devereaux Winters on the court records as being married for ten months.
"That lying, sorry-ass, motherfucking, sonofabitching, skinny dicked, excuse of a man," Mom ranted.
I put my arms around her, I just knew she was going to start crying.
"We're going to sue his ass for desertion and get us a divorce on the grounds desertion and bigamy," Mom said as she started dancing and laughing, hugging Josie and me.
Mom grabbed the phone and dialed a number. "Hello Gene - Didn't you tell me your sister works for a lawyer in town? Good, call her. I want an appointment to see him. I'm getting a fucking divorce."
"Hell yes we can see each other again. I love the way you made me feel today, and I want lots more. You damned right we'll make it permanent if you promise to keep fucking me like you did today."
We were sitting at the table and mom was making a list of all the things she and dad owned together and all that she owned by herself, when the phone rang.
Mom answered it, and when she started talking, we knew right away it was from the lawyer's office.
"Yes Sue, I asked him to call you. I was at the feed store today and he and I were talking. He told me you worked there.
When I got home just now, I found out that my husband has been fucking around on me, oops, sorry about that. I don't usually say bad words, it just slipped. Well thank you, you sound just like me.
Yes, I really like your brother, Gene - and my kids love your niece Jean. We've been thinking about having a big cook-out when my brother gets here from California. Yes, he just got a divorce and sold his business for a big chunk of money and he's moving back here with his twins - a boy and girl.
"Heck yes, you damned straight you can meet, Robert. He's tall, good looking, and sexy as hell. Hush, girl, I already know you look good, Gene told me that you're very pretty and that you have a body that's way too sexy for a sister. Hell yes, he did too say that.
"We'll be there, Sue. Why don't you take off early and have lunch with us after my appointment with your boss.
"Wait, is there anything I need to know about your boss? Anything that will get me a good price on a divorce? I want to take everything my sorry-ass husband owns, with child support and alimony.
"Really? You mean he's a sucker for a woman who flashes her legs? OH Damn, really? What if I don't wear panties, do you think I can get a better deal?
"You are so funny, Sue. I can hardly wait to meet you tomorrow. Say that again, OH MY GOD Sue, would you really? Shit, I dare you.
"Bye Sue and thanks for calling me back. You made my day. Yes we'll be there early. Hey, just wait until you meet my son and daughter. They're fifteen and you'd think they were eighteen or older.
"Hell yes they're sitting here now, listening to me talk.
"Hahaha, bye Sue," Mom was laughing so hard she was crying, when she got off the phone.