Cold Floor

Inside an ordinary classroom, a group of students immersed themselves in their own activities, surrounded by their respective circles of friends.

This area, intended for learning and growth, had inadvertently become a breeding ground for the first seeds of division between people. 

Within these walls, one could see five types of student archetypes: the intellectually gifted, the athletically inclined, the socially popular, the tormentors who reveled in their false sense of power, and the pitiful losers .

The smart ones, with their insatiable thirst for knowledge, eagerly absorbed the lessons presented to them. Their intellect shone like a guiding light, illuminating the path to success. They sought peace in books and the pursuit of academic excellence.

The athletic students displayed their prowess on the field, their bodies honed through hours of dedication and hard work. Their agility and strength commanded attention, earning them respect and admiration from their peers.

The popular ones, adorned with beauty and an entourage of followers, effortlessly navigated the social life. Their words and actions held weight, their approval sought by many. Yet, beneath the glamorous façade, their own struggles and insecurities remained hidden.

Among them, the bullies thrived on exerting power over the vulnerable. They enjoyed causing pain, relishing in the suffering they inflicted upon others. Their actions cast shadows on the sanctity of the classroom, tainting the environment with fear and unease.

And then, there were the ones labeled as "losers," those who were either physically weak or considered visually unappealing. They stood out badly, their differences setting them apart from the social fabric of the classroom.

"Hey, I told you to buy me fresh cooked food. This thing is cold!" A tall man spoke with a cold and bored voice, his dark hair and piercing eyes adding to his intimidating presence. Despite his cold demeanor, there was no denying that he was quite good-looking.

"I'm sorry, the line was too long, so the food got cold," a frail-looking boy replied with a quivering voice, his response laced with fear.

"Do you think I care?" the tall man sneered, his contempt dripping from his words. Without hesitation, he hurled the food directly into the frail-looking boy's face.

"Eat this instead,"


The boy remained helplessly slumped on the floor, his face and uniform a complete mess from the food that had been thrown at him.

Consumed by fear and dread, he dared not move, afraid that the bully would subject him to further humiliation if he made even the slightest motion.

"Poor guy"

"It's because he lets others bully him,"

"What a joke,"

Even though he was undoubtedly just a victim, he was still forced to face scrutiny of others. It made one question the very essence of equality.

'Why is this happening to me? Why am I being bullied like this? Is it because I'm weak? Is it because I'm weird? ' Countless reasons began to permeate the boy's mind, each one adding to his confusion and self-doubt.

"Next time , do your job well ," the bully sighed, turning around and walking away.

But before he could leave the room, he heard a voice that made him turn around.

"No! You're the reason why I'm like this, you're the cause of all my misery " the boy finally snapped.

He had endured this humiliation for far too long. He stood up, his eyes brimming with bravery. It was as if a hidden power was unlocked after all his suffering.

"Take this, you piece of shit!" The frail-looking boy yelled with unwavering resolve. His voice boomed through the entire classroom, capturing the attention of everyone as he charged towards his tormentor.

'I could feel it. I could feel my body becoming lighter, everything seemed slow ,'he realized that everything had changed after he made the decision to fight back.

He felt a surge of confidence, believing that he could defeat his bully if he managed to land a hit. And just like that, he saw an opening. With all his might, he threw a punch.

"Oh my god!"

"Did he really just land a punch against him?"

"Did you see what he just did ?"

'It's over, I'm finally free,' the frail-looking boy smiled, a glimmer of hope shining in his eyes.

However, his moment of happiness was abruptly cut short as he witnessed his bully still standing tall, not even flinching after being struck in the face.

"What the hell are you doing?" the bully asked , his voice filled with indifference.



But before the boy could utter a word in response, the bully already swung his fist , directly connecting with the boy's face.

The impact was devastating, a brutal blow that sent the boy spiraling into ground.

"PFFFF, what a loser! Did he really think he had a chance ?" Laughter erupted from the surrounding students as they witnessed the seemingly comical scene.

The bully who had mercilessly beaten the frail-looking boy held a reputation as one of the strongest student in this entire area, so what the boy did was pure suicide . 

"This is what you get from reading too many superhero comics," Asher shook his head in disappointment, his expression nonchalant .

With a dismissive gaze, he turned away from the frail boy, leaving him alone and wounded on the cold floor.