Crossing Part 2

Back Alley. 

"That old hag was an easy target," a young, innocent-looking man chuckled. His laughter echoed through the alleyway as he counted the stolen money in his hands.

"Hey, share some of that dough with us." A bald man, wearing a messy school uniform, joined in the laughter.

"How about we hit the karaoke joint today?" Another guy with green hair and multiple piercings chimed in.

"Alright, alright," the innocent looking man replied, seemingly eager to indulge in their ill-gotten gains.

This was their modus operandi; he used his innocent-looking face to fool old people and then snatched their wallets.

"Hey, how about you share some of that money with me?" Amidst their gleeful faces, a bored voice suddenly interrupted their bantering, capturing their attention.

They turned their heads to find a tall man with black hair, and a nonchalant expression on his face.

"Who the hell are you, punk?" the bald man asked, clearly annoyed.

"No one special. I just want my share of the money you've stolen." The trio's amusement quickly turned to frustration.

"Are you fucking serious?" they exclaimed, feeling insulted by the newcomer audacity. They were accustomed to instilling fear in this part of town, but the person in front of them seemed unfazed by their reputation.

"Do you have any idea who you're messing with, punk? We're part of the Tiger Gang," the bald man warned, proudly displaying the tattoo on his shoulder. The Tiger Gang was a local force in this area that hire high school students .

 "I don't have time. Give me my money so I can leave," the newcomer demanded, signaling for them to hurry up.

"Fuck you!" the bald man finally snapped, infuriated by the newcomer's arrogant behavior. He walked forward and raised his right fist, ready to fight. 

 'I'm just asking for my share,' The newcomer sighed.

He was disappointed that it had come to violence.

He saw the fist hurtling toward him but remained completely unfazed. With a subtle tilt of his neck, he effortlessly dodged the punch, evading it with ease. Then, in a swift motion, he clenched his right fist and threw a simple jab that landed square on the bald man's chin.

The punch's impact robbed the bald man of all his strength, causing his knees to buckle.

Though not particularly powerful, the blow on the chin disrupted his balance entirely. But, what followed next was something the bald man would deeply regret.

As he descended toward the ground, the new guy swiftly used his knee to strike the bald man's face, resulting in a spray of blood and the forceful expulsion of a tooth.

A resounding thud echoed through the alley as the bald man hit the ground, writhing in pain.

"I was just asking for my share, but you guys decided to attack me," The newcomer sighed, his tone filled with exasperation. He spoke as if he were the one who had been wronged, emphasizing his position as the victim .

The situation grew tensed as the remaining two individuals witnessed their strongest companion being knocked out in an instant.

It wasn't just a regular knockout; it was a one-sided beatdown.

Their companion didn't stand a chance, showcasing that they were up against someone really strong.

Though they were thugs, facing this newcomer felt like rats squaring off against a fierce tiger, unleashing an aura of sheer dominance.

The green-headed man instinctively backed down. Seeing his companion who had just been knocked out, laid out on the ground bleeding with a tooth knocked loose, he realized the newcomer was way stronger.

If someone like the bald man could end up in that state, there was no way the green-headed man could win in an actual fist fight.

"I don't see my money?" The newcomer spoke up again ,this time he was walking closer while stretching his shoulder to show that he was just warming up. 

"Where's my money?" The newcomer spoke up again, now walking closer and stretching his shoulders to indicate he was just getting started.