Chapter 36 : The Aftermath

Liam helped me to my feet. I hardly heard him as he asked if I was okay. Looking around the ballroom, I saw what a mess it was in.

Everyone was terrified, clinging to each other. Murmuring filled the room.

When the lights came back on, they started to emerge and suddenly, everyone was looking right at me. I saw a mix of emotions in their eyes: surprise, worry, pity, suspicion. Would they really believe Astrid?

“Everyone stay calm,” my father announced. “The palace is well guarded and my soldiers are tracking the intruder down as we speak. I apologize for the commotion. Fresh refreshments will be served, and you can rest easy tonight knowing she will be caught and brought to justice.”

Murmurs went through the crowd and I could see people were starting to relax. I wondered why he didn’t identify Astrid as a witch. It was probably for the better to keep the panic down.