Chapter 15: Bloody Run and Gun

What was the better strategy? Should they charge one of the groups? Should they try to take out the level 10, even though there were two of them, or should they try to take out the boss and hope that the other two surrendered? Maybe they should try to talk their way out of it? Or would panic be a better, more viable, option?

“Concentrate fire!” Aijin said, firing at the two lower-level dissidents.

Megan thought talking would be better, and wasn’t entirely above the panic option, but she followed Aijin’s lead, as she’d said she would. She took careful aim, grimacing when another shot slammed into her, doing another 38 damage, and fired a burst shot at the same one that Aijin was shooting at.

It wasn’t long before the two of them were ready to deal with the boss.

“How damaged are you?” Aijin asked, looking at her. She glanced over her head and nodded. “Okay, you’re still above half. Keep using those healing nanos.”