Chapter 15: Makes Me Queasy

“You’ve got quite the list.” He handed the journal back and I sighed with relief.


“I know. It’s a lot. What are your plans?” I thought about the way he looked at me as he shoved his cock deep inside and wanted that to be added to his plans.


“I haven’t really made any. I figured I’d spend some time outside, write some lyrics.” He shrugged. “Just chill.”


“Chill,” I said, exasperated. “Yeah, that’s what I’m doing too. Just chillin’.” It sounded weird when I said it and I giggled. Quickly, I tucked my journal back in my bag before he took it again.


“Well, I’m sure you’ll have a great time.” He took a sip of his third cup of tea.


He made it sound like we wouldn’t see each other and that made me sad.


The captain came over the speakers to let us know our descent would begin soon. It was my least favorite part of flying. Ascending was fine. Descending, not so much.