Chapter 25: Food And Talk

Griffin helped me onto a rock and then settled next to me. Without preamble, I lifted the first taco and took a bite. “Mmmmm,” I said, nodding and covering my mouth with a hand at the same time. The flavors were amazing. The meat melted in my mouth and the kimchee gave it a tang that was just right. Umami. That was the word to describe the flavor filling my mouth. “It’s good,” I said softly, wondering what Griffin thought.


He was chewing and smiling and agreeing at the same time. “Yeah, it is. I think I found my new favorite place to eat,” he said taking another bite.


“Right? I haven’t even finished yet and I know I could eat this exact meal again in a few hours.” A dribble of sauce ran down my chin. He reached over and dabbed my face with a napkin.


“Do you have any siblings?” he asked after he finished his first taco.