Chapter 31: Ignore The Other Guy

One difference between New York and Maui was the congestion. And where New York had giant buildings full of reflective glass, here there were palm trees and ocean as far as the eye could see in every direction.


My phone buzzed. I took it out of my pocket and saw that it was a text from Reid. I grimaced as I read it. I want to talk to you. Answer my texts!


“Reid, huh?” Griffin leaned in closer. “Are you going to talk to him?”


“I’ve said all I want to say.” I tucked my phone back in my pocket. It buzzed again, but I ignored it.


“Men can be a little dense sometimes. We need things spelled out. We are terrible guessers when it comes to what women want,” Griffin said.


I snorted and looked at him. “What you’re saying is, I shouldn’t have assumed that an engagement automatically meant fidelity?”