Chapter 41: He Texted

I reached my brownstone and slowly climbed the stairs. I was physically and mentally exhausted. Once inside, I filled a shot glass and drank it before getting some water and heading into my bedroom. There I fell, face first onto my bed. All I could think about was the last twenty-four hours. Grabbing my journal, I quickly wrote:


Dear Diary,


My best friend has been accused of murdering my ex-fiancé. I couldn’t make that up, even if I wanted to. It’s awful. And I feel so helpless. Birdy needs me and all I can do is be supportive. It’s frustrating. And it boggles my mind. She would never do what they’ve accused her of. The worst part? They have evidence that makes it seem likely she did do it. I feel overwhelmed. I don’t know how to help her. And I’m exhausted. Must sleep.