Chapter 48: Leaving

I shook my head, grabbing hold of his shirt. It was wet with my tears. “No, it isn’t. The world he lived in—” I paused and pushed away from Griffin as something broke in me. Griffin lived in the same world Wade did. “The world you live in changed my brother and I’m afraid it’ll do the same to you.” That was me harsh reality. The truth behind the defenses I placed over my heart. Though it was too late. I’d already fallen head over heels in love with him. And he’d already said he would be leaving me. Another tour was on the horizon, and he would be gone.


“It won’t, Katie. I get to choose how to respond to situations thrown at me in this life, and I choose not to be the guy who uses drugs. I said it before, and I’ll say it again. I’m a one-woman kind of man.” He smiled his megawatt smile. “I get to choose who I fuck and the only woman I want to fuck is you.”