Cat's Way

The second Alternate walks out of the portal to see class 1-A staring at Midosagi in shocked disbelief. This version of their friend is wearing an outfit that somewhat resembles class 1-B's Neito Monoma. Mainly in the fact that both outfits look more 'proper' than most heroes'. But that's where the resemblance ends.

The alternate is wearing a dark green vintage tailcoat, the more closed off inner portion startling in how white it is, making the black buttons trailing down the center stand out all the more.

On his hands are slightly bulky gloves, the right shooting off the occasional spark around it while the left is bulkier with a large rim circling his wrist. Nobody can tell what the deal is with that one.

His pants are, of all things, a bulky pair of cargo pants. Easily a dozen pockets of different sizes are scattered down their length, though the glowing lights outlining each one gives them hints that they're not as simple as they appear to be.

His face is the most interesting, with how it's hidden. A mask covers the lower part of his face, not dissimilar to the local Midoriya's hero mask, but more compact, focused directly around his mouth, the slight protrusions and depressions that decorate it giving off a calming pink glow that extends along thin tracks following along both sides of his jaw. A deeper depression down the center lacks its own glow.

His eyes are covered by a pair of digital visors, rims on the top and bottom sealing his eyes off from any outside influence. At the moment, the design on the screen is a simple pair of dot-like yellow eyes.

And stamped on his back, seemingly put on as an afterthought by how it doesn't mesh as well with the tech-focused design of the outfit, is a large, dark blue cat's paw print.

His head swivels around the room, taking everything in calmly, completely unlike the first Alternate's messy and chaotic entrance. The class heaves a collective mental sigh of relief at this one being clothed.

After confirming where he is he turns to Sunpo, seeing as she's the only one he doesn't recognize. "Your quirk has to do with time travel? Or is it more along the lines of alternate timelines? How is my timeline affected? Is it frozen until I get back? Or does it continue to flow normally? Is there a time differential? Active or passive? Can I go back anytime I want, do you control it, or I'm I stuck here until a certain amount of time passes?"

He stops his rapid-fire questioning to take a breath, looking at the girl for answers and seeing that she seems dazed. He sighs. "Do you need me to speak slower? I know that's a problem for most people." A thought seems to strike him as he turns to the local Midooriya, who's looking at him with awe.

"I suppose talking to you would make more sense for now, if it is time travel. But given I don't see her, and there's a third one of us who's tied up, I'm thinking alternate timeline?"

Local Midoriya and Midosagi both nod. "That's right!" "Yep!" They say at the same time. The second Alternate looks at the other portals, making note of their number.

"Given that there's already three of us, subtracting the local, unless you're from outside this timeline as well and the local one of us isn't here?" He looks at local Midoriya inquisitively and gets confirmation that he's from this timeline. "In that case, it's safe to assume that we'll be getting four more versions of ourselves."

He nods in satisfaction to himself before poking Sunpo on the cheek and causing her to jump. "The time factor back in our original timelines? Because unless it's completely stopped I'm going to need to head back right away."

"Uh, it's, um, stopped. And I choose when to send all of you back. But you lose the memories you make here somehow. For some reason they don't mesh well with passing through the rifts."

He nods, leaning on his back leg and crossing his arms as he relaxes. "I suppose that makes sense. It means that people can't study your quirk and then try to develop an artificial way to jump timelines once they get back. Maybe it's a self-protection aspect of the quirk to make sure you aren't taken prisoner and studied? Or it could be a subconscious desire to-"

"SHUT THE HELL UP! I already have to listen to this nerd muttering all the damn time, I don't need to listen to yours too!"

The class looks at Bakugou like he's an idiot. Which they're starting to consider he might actually be. 'Did he not learn when Midosagi stabbed him!?' But seeing how this Alternate isn't giving off a crazy vibe that Midosagi is, Bakugou decided that it's not dangerous for him to be himself.

"I don't know if you're crazy or brave after what happened." Mina says while Kirishima shouts about how not caring about the consequences is manly.

The Alternate? They just look at Bakugou, their visor changing to show angry pointed triangles. "Well I have to put up with enough of your petty BS in my timeline, I don't need it here." He holds up his right glove, more electricity arcing in his palm and between his fingers. "Or do you want me to make you be quiet?"

Bakugou stands up, ready to launch himself at the Alternate and teach him where he stands on the totem pole. But Uraraka's squeal of excitement, along with her words, cause him to pull up short.

"Wow Deku, this version of you is so mature! And he has an electric quirk just like Kaminari!"

The Alternate tilts his head at her, his mask letting out a puff of smoke as it separates down the center line and slides apart to rest along the sides of his jaw. "Quirk? What quirk? My hero name is Quirkless, the first quirkless hero."

The silence in the room is deafening.

Eventually though, it's broken by Midosagi laughing uproariously as he rolls on the floor. "Hahahaha! Hahahehahehahaha! You go, other me! Show all those jerks that you don't need a quirk to be better than them!" A smirk crosses his lips. "Of course, that's assuming your timeline isn't like mine."

"Oh?" Quirkless asks, his visor becoming exclamation points. Midosagi nods, glancing at Midoriya.

"Yep! See, in my timeline there are actually no quirkless young people. The only ones that are truly born without a quirk  are the fifteen percent of old people still around. The remaining five percent of people still being born with that second toe-joint just have quirks that are so specific that they might never find them out, or realize that some aspect of their life is a result of their quirk. Add in that not only is the information being actively suppressed, but the people themselves…" He shrugs. "Anyone with the extra joint are labeled as quirkless, and their lives become miserable to the point of suicide. Which is how I found out about my quirk."

"Wait, you have a quirk!?" Midoriya yells in shock and not a little bit of hope, completely missing how many people take note of the surprise in his voice. 'Was I actually born with a quirk? Was it being suppressed somehow, for some reason? But why!? And by who? Wait- Aizawa-Sensei's quirk is Erasure. Is there more to him being my homeroom teacher than I thought…?'

Midosagi nods with a happy grin that widens when he sees the concerned looks Midoriya's friends are giving him that he seems oblivious to, seemingly too hungry for the information to pay them any heed. "Yep! I decided to call my quirk Undying. When I die, I come back to life!"

"Wait, so when you say suicide-" Toru starts only for Midosagi to interrupt with a happy nod.

"Yep! I mean that I succeeded in killing myself. It wasn't an attempt which I failed. I didn't get saved by a conveniently passing hero, villain, or vigilante. All For One was not watching as I took a swan dive off a highrise building and decide to turn me into the ultimate vengeance against All Might. My body splattered all over the place! The floor, the walls- even my girlfriend!"

""""YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!?!?!?"""" Four voices ring out; Midoriya's, Quirkless', Uraraka's, and Mina's. Though Mina's voice is more excited than shocked. Speaking of shocked, everyone else seems to have been frozen in shock from the news of Midosagi actually dying, with Mineta biting a handkerchief and crying tears of blood from jealousy at not having a girlfriend.

Let it never be said that the next generation of heroes is predictable. Or that they can't compartmentalize.

He gives them all a weird look. "Yeah? I did mention that I was in a sex dungeon when I got summoned, remember? Well, not you," he says, nudging his head in Quirkless' direction. "But the rest of you should have the critical thinking skills to realize that sex dungeon equals girlfriend. Or girlfriends in this case."

Mineta passes out from jealousy while Uraraka's face does its best impression of a boiler. ""MORE THAN ONE!?"" The rest shout.

"Again, yep! Maybe I'll start changing up my positive replies, it feels like I've been saying 'yep' a lot." Midosagi looks up at the ceiling as he muses.

"WHO ARE THEY!? GIVE ME NAMES!!!" Mina shouts, leaping up and rushing to Midosagi to shake the answers out of him.

"Calm…Down...Mina!" He manages to get out while his head whips back and forth. After stopping, but not calming down as she's literally bouncing from foot to foot in excitement, he sighs before dangling his offer out for her. "I'll only say my first girlfriend's name. The other two are a surprise!"

"Fine, fine. Just tell me!" She accepts the compromise easily. This is top tier gossip for the pink skinned girl! If it's who she thinks it is, then it just might be the push she needs to get the two of them together! And if it isn't, it'll hopefully light a fire under her friend and get her to confess before Midoriya is preemptively stolen from her!

Of course, none of them are ready to get the name. "Himiko Toga is the person I've shared all our firsts with!"

"The crazy blood chick, kero?" Tsu blinks at him in surprise. But thinking about it, she does vaguely recall hearing the villain talk about how cute she thinks Midoriya is. But she also acted that way towards Ochako… That thought prompts her to look at her pink cheeked friend. 'Oh. She fainted.'

Uraraka is staring ahead with unseeing eyes, swaying slightly. It appears that the reveal was beyond her comprehension, and that passing out was all she could do to maintain her mental health.

"Why!?" Midoriya shouts in shock, eyes glancing towards the brunette he's had a crush on since he met her. Not that he can work up the nerve to confess…

"Understandable." Quirkless says with an understanding nod, explaining further at the disbelieving looks directed at him. "Sure, she's not 'normal' by society's standards. But neither am I. Being 'normal' isn't a way to judge someone. And knowing how she grew up, I really can't blame her for the choices she made. Or her reasons."

He sighs with a nostalgic smile. "She's also the most loyal person I've ever met. Even if one of her true friends doesn't want or need her help, she'll always be there for them." He frowns. "Even in ways they don't think they need it."

"...I need to find her." His muttered words go nearly unheard, Jirou's enhanced ears barely picking up on them. Though she doesn't think he's talking about Toga, his tone is completely different than when he was complimenting her. More…determined. Sad.

He shakes his head free of the distraction before looking back up. "So yes. I can see why Midosagi would want to date her. I'm more impressed that he actually managed to snag her."

Midosagi nods with a wide happy smile. "I completely agree! She's the best thing that ever happened to me. I'd set the world ablaze without a second thought if it would make her happy. And I know that she'd do the same for me."

The sudden aura of complete and utter happiness Midosagi gives off throws the class for a loop, none of them knowing how to respond to it.

Which is why the unexpected, childlike voice that comes from the ceiling startles them so much.

"Vampy nice nice! Good person!"