Analyst Izuku's appearance, as per the norm, is both similar yet vastly different from all the others. He's wearing a black blazer on top of a dark gray shirt, and black pants. Though some of the class note that each of the Izukus that have shown up (with clothes) have shared the same set of red shoes
Unlike the others though, his clothes are… messy. Disheveled. They don't look dirty or anything, but everyone looking at him gets the impression that he doesn't really care about his appearance. A belief reinforced by his hair.
Yes, each of the Izukus have dark green, messy curly hair. More of a bush or broccoli top than hair, really. But it's not 'doesn't take care of it' messy. More… organized chaos. But the self introduced 'Analyst' Izuku? It's not dirty, but a closer look reveals that his hair is tangled in multiple spots. It doesn't have that subtle vibrancy the others have, only noticeable now that they see that it's missing.
His disheveled appearance is only enhanced by the bags under his eyes, though thankfully not on the same level of their teacher or Shinso, from general studies. And even those aren't the thing that draws their attention. The thing that causes a shudder to run through their bodies.
No… It's his eyes.
Midoriya, Quirkless, Midosagi, Broccoli… Each of their eyes are bright and filled with life. They show that, despite their vastly different lives, each of them has that spark. The spark of passion. Of dedication. Of something they will devote one hundred percent of themselves to… then go beyond!
Analyst's eyes don't have that spark. That life to them.
It's like they belong to a dead man.
"...The hell happened to you?" Realizing his inner thoughts slipped out, Midoriya clamps his hands to his mouth with wide eyes as people side-eye him.
"Hey! No fair! Why do you get to curse!? I already used up my allowance on cursing for the week!" Midosagi crosses his arms and pouts.
Analyst just stares at him with his empty eyes and answers simply. "I gave up." He tilts his head towards Quirkless. "I didn't have someone who believed in me. And when All Might told me to be realistic? Well," he shrugs, "I took it to heart."
"Did you jump? Are we rabbit buddies!?" Midosagi jumps while using his fingers to give him bunny ears, deflating when Analyst shakes his head.
"No, I couldn't do that to Mom. The guilt would have driven her into an early grave." He pauses a moment. "That's not to say that I would object to dying, as long as it's not murder." He shakes his head. "I don't want her to become hateful towards whoever kills me. She's much too nice for that. No, a nice accident is what I'm hoping for. It's only a matter of time until it happens, with how little people care for the quirkless."
The corners of his lips twitch downwards without actually moving, as if he wants to frown but lacks the motivation to actually do it. "Of course, it should have happened already, but my two self appointed 'suicide by obliviousness bodyguards' keep saving me."
1-A lets out a collective sigh of relief hearing that there are people protecting this version of their friend. Even if he himself has given up, as long as he has people supporting him there's a chance that he'll regain the light in his eyes. Right?
"Who's your bodyguards? Are either of them a romantic partner?" Mina asks, hoping for more gossip on potential matches for their version of the green bean.
Coincidentally, this is also the time that Uraraka regains consciousness, and she's staring at Analyst with an intense gleam in her eyes.
Analyst snorts, an odd thing to see when his expression doesn't change. "Hardly. I'm quirkless. Even if that wasn't enough to stop any romance, I quite honestly think whoever might develop an interest in me is better off looking for someone better."
"So who's protecting you then?" Midoriya asks, Analyst's logic making complete sense to him and reflecting a portion of his own. The level of concern his friends have for him gets ratcheted up yet another level, and has reached the point where they're determined to send him to Hound Dog's room for counseling.
They are not prepared for the answer, despite how they should be expecting the unexpected by now. "Dabi and Toga. They're fairly determined about it too, ever since I did a session for each of them. Though Dabi has requested frequent discussions so that he doesn't have a repeat of the previous incidents."
"""Villains!?""" The class shouts in shock, though it is eclipsed by a louder one..
"Why am I always associated with villains!?" Midoriya shouts in confusion. Is he just a villain magnet!? At least in his timeline it makes sense since he has One For All!
"""Sessions?""" Uraraka, Iida, and Tsu question with tilts of their heads.
"Incidents?" Todoroki inquires, wondering if they're related to the burn scars covering the man's body.
Analyst sighs, getting a sympathetic look and a pat on the shoulder from Quirkless and Midosagi. "Yeah, they don't seem to be the brightest bunch." Midosagi gives a mock head shake, getting a snort from Analyst. Again, an odd sight.
"I'm aware. Maybe less so than mine. After all, they failed to consider that Aoyama was a spy for All For One."
Pin. Drop. Silence.
Slowly, everyone turns to stare at the boy in question, who's frozen still with his eyes glued to Analyst. He raises an eyebrow at their reactions.
"Did none of you think that it was strange that his body isn't adapted for his quirk? Like it wasn't meant for the quirk?" His eyes focus on Midoriya. "Given you should know of a similar situation, why haven't you put it together?"
Now it's Midoriya's turn to freeze as all eyes fixate towards him instead, Aoyama letting out a soundless sigh of relief as he relaxes with the attention gone.
"I-I-I don't know what you're talking about!" Midoriya shouts his denial in a high pitched voice, signaling to all that he definitely knows what Analyst is talking about. He's a terrible liar.
Analyst rolls his eyes. "What's your quirk?" He asks casually, pulling a notebook out as he does.
"U-um, strength enhancement. T-th-though I needed to build up muscle before I could use it, so until my last year of middle school everyone thought I was quirkless. But I'm not! I definitely have one that I was born with!"
Analyst's deadpan stare seems to go darker, and Midoriya's body starts shaking. He points at himself, the other Alternates, and the spot on the wall where Broccoli is supposedly sleeping. "From what I've gathered, none of us started out life with a quirk. Even Midosagi, though that's mainly due to my personal belief that what he has is not technically a quirk."
"Hold up-"
"And yet you expect us, who at our base are simply different versions of you, whose lives took different turns, to believe exercise is what keeps us as the lower than the low?" Analyst continues speaking over Midosagi's attempt at asking what he means.
He shakes his head. "Judging by your reaction, I have serious doubts that you're a spy for All For One. Which only leaves you with having inherited One For All."
Silence again as the claim washes over the room. Midosagi's lips turn into a scowl that he directs towards the local, while Quirkless tilts his head in confusion. "Was that not obvious? With how surprised he sounded when Midosagi said he has a quirk, I thought it was a dead giveaway. No offense," he apologizes to Midosagi, who's laying on the ground like a bear rug while glaring at Midoriya.
"You're good, though I don't give stuff out when I die. If I did I would be constantly broke! My spending allowance wouldn't last more than a month. If that."
1-A remains silent as they process the reveal, Bakugou's eyes focused in a glare at the two Alternates for revealing such a major secret so casually. More than that, it's not even their secret! Especially since they don't even have the quirk themselves!
Eventually someone speaks up to break the silence. Uraraka, one of those closest to Midoriya. "...What's One For All?"
Midoriya's eyes dart around, looking for an escape. But it's not his eyes that find one, but his ears. Straining his ears, he can hear the muffled sound of people talking in the hallway, one of them belonging to his mentor!
He swallows. "L-l-let's wait until All Might gets here. He can explain better than I can."
Though eyes narrow, the class allows the delay of answers. Meanwhile Aizawa had surreptitiously messaged Detective Tsukauchi to come to UA immediately so they can check if Aoyama really is a traitor. He has no idea why the school hadn't done so the moment it was brought up. Oh wait, yes he does. It was so that they didn't start the students down a path of suspicion towards each other and 'negatively impact their development with baseless accusations'. The bunch of pansies.
Stupid, if you asked him. Which they did, but his opinion was overridden by the majority vote of the other staff.
In the meantime he's relieved that the class has put their suspicion of both Midoriya and Aoyama on hold for the moment. Though also exasperated by how easily they lose focus on the important things. He'll need to arrange some specialized training to fix that.
The class shudders in unison, a premonition of future hardship entering their minds.
Analyst waves his hand. "I don't particularly care about the situation for this timeline. Nor about heroes and villains in general. I have clients on both sides." He points at Iida. "By sessions I mean quirk analysis sessions. That's my job, since there was apparently no age limit for applying to be one."
He puffs up his chest a bit in pride, though his face doesn't change. "I like to think that I'm one of the better ones. Especially given my level." He snorts as his chest deflates. "At the very least I'm better than the idiot Dabi's family took him to when he was a child."
He shakes his head in anger. "Honestly. Quirks are never directly harmful to their user."
A few of the class opens their mouths to mention how their quirk has managed to hurt them only to get glared into silence, the move particularly effective given the state of his eyes. "Quirk overuse, or experimenting with your quirk are the same as overworking your body or trying something new and getting hurt for it. They are part of you, not separate. Treat them as such and you'll do much better with them."
Todoroki raises his hand while the others think on Analyst's words. Getting the nod to go ahead he asks for clarification. "Are you saying that Dabi's quirk isn't meant to burn himself?"
"Of course not." Analyst says immediately. "His body is suited for cold temperatures, not hot. Stick him in a sauna and he'll react like any other person without some form of heat resistance. Stick him in a frozen lake in Antarctica and he'll be completely comfortable."
"And that means?" Todoroki asks, a faint memory nagging at him, too long ago for him to grasp what it is.
"That you'll have to figure it out for yourselves." Analysts refuses to elaborate further as footsteps approach the classroom. "We have guests. As well as the next one of us."
He points at one of the portals that has begun undulating wildly, popping out two people instead of one just as All Might throws open the door alongside Present Mic.
"I am here! To see what Recovery Girl was going on…about?" He blinks at the sight of multiple people who look like his protege, but wildly different.
"All Might." Midosagi spits out, a look of hatred on his face.
"All Might." Quirkless nods his head in greeting, a sad look briefly flitting across his face before vanishing.
All Might." Analyst says emotionlessly, his voice as dead as his eyes.
The two new people say with wary glares, both drawing knives from their belts as they get into defensive stances.
"Oaf! Banana Man!" A high pitched voice squeals as a female Izuku with cat ears and a tail suddenly appears in the room next to Midosagi, excitedly waving her hands.
"...The hell is going on here?" All Might asks, and the earlier question of who taught Midoriya how to curse is solved while Present Mic immediately leaves, cackling all the while.