Dragon's Pride

"Please don't attack." Sunpo sighs from her position under the woman's arm. "I can and will send you all back!"

The dragon woman turns her glare and growl down to look at her hostage while those who were preparing for a fight process the implication of her words.

"Wait," Analyst says with a raised eyebrow, his expression still not changing. "You're saying that's another one of us? A Midoriya?"

"Or Izuku?" Midosagi interjects, since he doesn't share the others' last name, and Broccoli doesn't share either name for the rest of them.

The woman growls. "Neither. Call me Izumi." She seems to think for a moment before dismissing whatever the thought was. "Or Emerald Dragon."

They all turn to look at the Izumi who came with her brother, who shrugs. "I'm Izumi too-"

"-so we should use her other name." Her brother finishes.

Before any of them can start questioning Emerald on her origins, Aizawa coughs, still in a combat stance. "Look, I get you're all excited, but there are a few issues. Mainly; who did she throw through the window, and why does she have those girls under her arms."

Realizing he's right, 1-A re-readies themselves to fight, though most of the Alternates don't. After all, it's not like they have any real stake in what happens. The exceptions are Quirkless, who never left his combat stance to begin with, and Broccoli, who just loves to fight.

Emerald gives Aizawa a look like he's stupid for even asking. "I decided that this one," she hefts Sunpo, "belongs to me now. Her quirk is interesting and I want to study it." Then she hefts Kodai, who has a light blush even though her expression hasn't changed. Rather similar to Analyst, now that the class thinks of it. "And she's already mine. But having two doesn't mean that their value goes down."

There's silence for a moment before Yaoyorozu speaks up. "Um, do you mean in a romantic sense, or the significantly more concerning and illegal property sense?"

She switches her 'Are you an idiot?' look from Aizawa to her. "They're mine. I'm a dragon. I am above your petty designations."

There's a collective twitch at that as they all look at Bakugou, their resident narcissist, waiting for him to explode. True to form, he's unable to back down from even a fight he knows he can't win and launches himself forward as explosions burst in his palm. "YOU ARROGANT DEKU! YOU BETTER NOT LOOK DOWN ON-" He doesn't get to finish his sentence before Emerald takes a confident step forward, raising one leg and landing a heavy kick in his solar plexus. Bakugou contorts around her foot before getting launched into the rear wall of the classroom. When the dust clears, they see Bakugou embedded into the wall, once again unconscious.

"Next time, I light you on fire." She growls out as smoke escapes the corners of her mouth.

"Man, you'd think he would have learned by now." Kaminari chuckles, trying to hide his fear.

"Like you're one to talk about learning." Jiro shoots back, her heartbeat slamming against her chest from how nervous she is with all the casually violent Midoriyas.

All Might sighs as he steps forward, hands raised in a calming motion. "Look, Miss Emerald Dragon, would you mind putting those two down so we can talk like civilized people? I doubt holding them like that could be too comfortable."

Her glare intensifies as it switches again, her eyes blazing in anger. "Are you calling me weak?"

"Not at all." All Might reassures, his experience from talking down volatile people *cough* Endeavor *cough* coming in handy for dealing with the Alternate in front of him. "I just think that it would be nice if everyone could talk without any hostility. Even if they were to run, you'd be able to catch them without a problem, correct?"

She stares at him in suspicion for a moment before giving a sharp nod of acknowledgement, setting the two girls on their feet with a surprising gentleness. Sunpo huffs before walking over to stand by Aizawa while glaring at Midoriya. Why did I agree to this? Kodai told me a bit about what this guy has gotten up to since he's been enrolled. Next time I'm using my quirk, I'm asking how much trouble they are first!

Kodai, though, remains by Emerald, shuffling her feet and glancing between the dragon girl and Midoriya, her light blush still being present only noticed by the other girls. Much to Uraraka's consternation as she grinds her teeth. Another one!? Fuck it, I'm confessing after all this is done with! If I don't, someone else will!

Aizawa breathes a sigh of relief as everyone relaxes. "I never thought I'd say this in school, but good job, All Might."

"All Might?" Emerald growls, a small burst of flames coming from her mouth. She peers at the skeletal man in front of her before scoffing in disdain. "This man isn't All Might. If he was, I already would have thrown him out the window."

There's a tense silence for a moment before Aizawa speaks slowly. "Ok. Well, he's our version of All Might, so thank you for not doing that." She gives him a stiff nod, her light blush concealed by her scales. She's not used to people speaking positively about her unless they're talking about her strength.

"On a more important note, who did you actually throw out the window?"

She shrugs, not entirely sure, Kodai explaining instead. "That was Vlad-sensei. When she kicked our classroom's door open and grabbed me, he tried to stop her." She looks at the destruction of the windows, briefly wondering if her teacher is ok before returning to the explanation. "She was gentle the first few times she hit him away, but by the time we got here she was irritated by how persistent he was being. So she put a bit more force into her tail."

"Wait, she beat a pro while carrying two people in her arms, and only using her tail!?" Midoriya shouts in surprise. Sure, Vlad King isn't in the top ten, but he's in the top hundred! Just how strong is she?

Emerald shrugs. "He should learn how far above him dragons are."

"You keep saying 'dragon'," Quirkless frowns, "but you're talking about dragon quirks, right?"

She scoffs, her eyes flashing with rage for a moment before she forcibly calms herself. "No. Dragons are the rarest of the rare, those who stand on top of the world. Few are those who can equal our power with mere quirks. In all of recorded history, there have only been seven dragons. Eight, with me."

"Could you beat All For One?" Midosagi asks curiously. The Symbol of Evil is no slouch in either power or experience, but if she's really as powerful as she says, it should be an interesting fight.

But to his surprise she laughs before showing a savage grin. "Perhaps. But I haven't had a reason to go after him yet. Though that might change soon."

"Oh? Would you-"

"-care to explain?" The Twins ask.

"It could work as your introduction!" Deku-null says with a smile.

"Sure, though a proper introduction will need more than just that…" She thinks for a moment on how to introduce herself, deciding to start from the beginning and hit the salient points, ticking them off on her fingers.

"My best friend turned on me for being quirkless. All Might crushed my dream. I awakened as a dragon and worked to understand my power. Stuff happened. I found an inactive volcano with a nice amount of lava for me to relax in."

She scowls while everyone stares at her, mentally demanding that she return to the volcano and lava bath to clarify, but their mouths drop open one by one while she continues to explain. "Took up art for a while, and not long before I got brought here some prick from 'The League of Villains' broke one of the pieces I worked on." She smiles, flashing her teeth and sending shivers going down their spines from the bloodlust she's exuding. "I took his head, and that of another, for my Unicorn's collection."

"Wait, you have a unicorn!?" Kaminari shouts in surprise, getting eye-rolls all around. At least from those who haven't turned green from the thought of Emerald collecting severed heads.

"She's talking about Eri, ya Pikachu." Midosagi snarks. "You know, like how I nicknamed her 'Unicorn', Emerald Dragon must have done the same. Though I have to ask," Midosagi turns to look at her. "Giving severed heads to a child? Really? I'm not one to talk since Himi and I are teaching her how to properly cut people, but isn't that a bit too gory for someone so young?"

Emerald shrugs. "I'm not in a position to judge her for how she deals with her trauma. But she was absolutely ecstatic when she picked up Overhaul's head, so I don't see a problem."

Midoriya's head hits his desk as he lets out a loud groan. "Please don't tell me you're a villain."

Emerald rolls her eyes. "I told you, I am above such petty designations. Though those UA students seemed to be split on the issue before I left."

Midoriya looks up. "You met the hero course?"

Another nod. "Indeed. Apparently they were holding a training camp near my lair when the villains attacked. Normally I wouldn't have gotten involved, but as I said: One of them broke my art."

There's silence as they digest that, and there's a more comfortable silence for a few minutes before Broccoli pipes up. "We fight please? Fun fun!"

"I'd rather you didn't destroy the school." Aizawa says tiredly, being one of the few to realize that this is another version of the problem child who died to obtain their quirk. Or whatever the equivalent is for her becoming a dragon. I've got a bad feeling about this.

Emerald gives him a nod before turning to Broccoli. "Since they've been courteous, I will have to accede to his request."

Broccoli frowns before crossing her arms and vanishing. A few moments later they reappear next to Midosagi looking as they did when they first showed up. That is, as a boy. "No fun! No fun! No fighting, no fun!"

Midosagi and Quirkless give Bakugou smug looks at the clear evidence that Broccoli is a Nomu, forgetting that he'd gotten knocked out. Again.

Sunpo sighs. "Well. As far as I can tell this should be all of them. Though Emerald Dragon was a surprise since she wasn't part of the original transfer. Still, it doesn't feel like there's anything else on the way like I felt with her. So am I good to send them all back?"

Hearing her words 1-A exchange looks and a few muttered conversations before turning back to her and nodding. Aizawa breathes a sigh of relief that the nightmare will be over soon, while Midoriya takes out a notebook and starts jotting down some things while muttering.

Jiro and Shoji twitch nervously as they hear things like 'awakening' and 'maximize chance'. Coupled with how they've mostly been trying to observe and learn from each of the Alternates, it's very concerning, and they both make individual plans to stop him if he tries to leave the classroom alone.

Sunpo raises her hand, ignoring the way Emerald grabs hold of her and Kodai. She knows that Emerald won't be able to take them with her anyways, a fact she neglected to tell her on the way to the classroom after she grabbed her. She didn't want her to try and stay in this world, she's scary!

But just as her hand starts to glow with the same light as the rifts, a puff of green smoke erupts in front of the Alternates. A high pitched voice sounds out from within, causing Aizawa to throw his hands up in the air in frustration. He was so close to being done with this!

"Don't you know that it's rude to leave without letting everyone speak?" They chuckle, and as the smoke clears everyone is left blinking at the little girl with a number of green and orange fox tails bunched behind her. "Though I suppose that is my fault for observing for so long before showing myself."

They bow to the class before twirling and doing the same to Sunpo and the Alternates.

"You may call me Kitsune, and I like to call what I can do a result of being the Nine-Tailed Fox."