Chapter 68: Why do I hear boss music?

It walked down the steps, its dark metal body glistening with gold accents recognizable to anyone in the Rodden kingdom. These golems had been the ones that elevated this land, that had already shown cracks in its foundations. Nobles paraded them like trophies, things to boast about, while commoners saw them as another weapon to be used against them if they did not submit.

Everyone agreed on one thing: they were not to be trifled with, for they had strength surpassing even the nobles themselves. Now, this metal being of death was slowly making its way towards Jackson, and that terrified him.

Gripping his sword until his knuckles turned white, he stood up with every last bit of strength he could muster.

"Foolish golem, do you not understand that I AM JACKSON LAV—!" Jackson said before the golem disappeared and punched him in the gut.