Chapter III - Soul Web

Dreams... What are dreams? It's been two years since Sono disappeared. I have been reliving that night over and over in my dreams. These dreams were so intense and felt so real. Sometimes I couldn't tell the difference between reality and dream. I would wake up in the middle of the night, shouting Sono's name, looking for him around me. The reason for this recurring dream was clear to me, I wanted to see Sono over and over again... and each time I had hoped for a different finale, a dream where Sono had never disappeared between the stars. Sometimes I feel like Sono is still with us, with me, watching among the stars.

Yesterday was the last day of school. The summer vacation had started, a vacation my family and I had big plans for. The atmosphere in Tsukigata had calmed down, the year 2012 looked promising. We were going to spend these three months in a random city of Japan. What an adventure! We needed a break, we needed to get out of Tsukigata for a while to let go of some bad memories. But who could forget so easily... My parents put a map of Japan in front of me. Then they asked me to close my eyes, to raise my index finger and leave myself to fate. As I opened my eyes, my finger covered a single city. I lifted my finger and under it there was written... Osaka. Osaka, the third biggest city in Japan, at least to my knowledge. It's not the first time I've heard the name of this city. I remember when we moved to Nikko, we changed houses a few times. For a year, in 2008, we lived in the house of a small family, father and daughter, who had just moved to Osaka. Now I felt like we were following that family around.

It was a Monday, the first day of vacation. We packed light, just the bare necessities. Soon after, we were flying above the cities, heading to Osaka. I put my earphones on and played music on my phone, flying on a plane bored me to death. I was looking forward to landing in Osaka as soon as possible. I was looking for something exciting, something to spark my curiosity and spirit of adventure. The plane's impeccable portholes offered absolutely incredible views: clouds everywhere. As I kept checking the clouds, looking for odd shapes, in the distance, a tall band of clouds formed something that resembled a face. It was so familiar, it looked like Sono! What? How?! My rich imagination made me see Sono just about everywhere now. How exciting and peculiar! Was this the impulse that awakened my spirit of adventure? But this excitement quickly dissipated from the cells of my body. This was nothing compared to the fantastic experiences I lived through in Tsukigata.

As we finally arrived in Osaka, I had a chance to breathe in the local air. I'm sure I'll find big differences which I'll definitely label as flaws. Hmm... Indeed, the air here was a bit stuffy and humid. I couldn't wait to see the accommodation dad picked for the three of us. He mentioned this huge house full of mysteries for me to discover. I am sure he oversold it. Dad waved his hand and a taxi stopped next to us. As we embarked, dad asked the driver:

"Can you take us to this address, please? It shouldn't be far." dad said, as he handed him a flyer.

"Mr. Haru Shiroi, is it?" the driver said, as he read dad's name and the address on the flyer. "I know the area, but this street has no number." the driver replied in a friendly tone.

"Not a problem. I remember the house very clearly from the photos." dad said.

As we approached our destination, dad said excited:

"We're almost there, the Bakken residence!"

"Bakken?" the driver replied, with some worry in his voice.

"Yes. Do you know about it?"

"Who doesn't!"

"What's that supposed to mean?" mom asked.

"Are you reporters or something?"

"We're tourists, we came here on vacation. We're going to spend our whole summer here." dad said eagerly.

"And someone recommended you this house?" the driver asked with hesitation.

 "I picked it, actually. As I was searching the Internet, this house caught my eye. I was intrigued by its old design and spacious rooms and, to be honest, the rent is extremely cheap."

"I am not surprised, sir."

"Why do you say that?" dad asked confused.

"I don't mean to trouble you, but this house comes with many stories."

"What kind of stories?" mom asked.

"Stories you might not like. 1700 yen, please." the driver said, diverting the subject.

Puzzled, dad handed the money to the driver, with some reluctance, as we got out of the taxi. Then he drove away, living the three of us wondering about what stories this house has to tell. We gazed at each other for a brief moment, then we picked up our luggage and headed to the house. We came here on vacation. I didn't come here to read stories, I came here to experience moments I could write stories about. As we reached the front door, I looked up. This house was huge! I could have had at least three rooms all to myself. Holding the clanging keys in my hand, I ran up to the door, slowly blew on the dusty doorknob, inserted the key into the lock and... voilà. The door opened, unfolding this huge house in front of me. Most chambers were pretty gloomy, but very roomy. My family and I will bring light into this house. We'll turn it into a home.

I went deeper into the heart of the house. Some rooms seemed to haven't been opened in a long while, the air inside them smelled old and musty. Mystery hung in the air in this house, quite literally. Three months here didn't sound that bad, I had no reason to complain about minor stuff. With curious steps, I headed towards the room I considered to be the living room. This room looked like a piece of art, like a living painting. I imagined people filling the room and all the fun that previous families had living here. My gastronomic sense eventually led my steps to the kitchen. It was full of old metal dishes, the rust stains on some of them looked like dry blood. As I headed upstairs, walking down the hall, checking rooms, I was drawn by this door. The room behind it gave me this bizarre vibe, a vibe I liked. It looked like the perfect bedroom for me. It was filled by all kind of furniture and old paintings hanging on the walls and the floor was entirely painted in red. Plus, it had this roomy wardrobe full of hangers, all red. The bed seemed pretty comfy. As I sat on it, I heard a whisper.


I froze. I was carefully looking around, checking the room to find the source of the voice. As I stood on my feet to check inside the wardrobe, the whisper repeated itself.


That whisper sounded like it's coming from all over the room. I held my breath, I needed complete silence, hoping the whisper will say my name again.

"Maria, here you are!" mom startled me. "What are you doing here by yourself?"

"Mom!!!" I grunted.


Mom really gave me the chills. Did she just try to prank me, by scaring me to death like this?

"Are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

"Aren't you coming to help us?"

"With what?"

"Settling in, of course."

"I'm right behind you." I sneered.

At last evening came. Settling in kept us busy for hours, we needed a break. This had been a tiring day for all three of us. Starting tomorrow, I hoped the actual vacation will begin, so I would do what I'd set my mind too: wander around the city, take pictures of interesting stuff and, why not, meet new people. Rumor has it that people from Osaka are quite open and friendly. I went up in my room, I needed some rest. Under the cover of my blanket, I gazed at the moving shadows coming through the window and dancing on the ceiling. The bed was so soft, I felt like I was being rocked on and on. Slowly, I could feel my eyelids pulling against each other, I was getting sleepier and sleepier.

"Maria..." a whisper startled me.

This whisper again... Was it just an echo inside my mind? I reached on the nightstand, to grab my phone. As I was fumbling in the darkness, my phone dropped behind the nightstand, but I didn't hear it hitting the floor. I sighed. I got up and I turned the lights on. As I pulled the nightstand to move it out of the way, two objects dropped on the floor. One was my phone, the other one was a notebook, maybe some kind of diary. I picked it up, the covers were dry and pretty brittle. I got curious. I turned off the lights and turned on the night lamp. I went back in bed, resting on my pillow, then looked at my phone, it was 9:30 PM. As I opened the diary, a slow breeze blew out of it, brushing my face. How unusual! The window was definitely closed. There was no way this breeze was caused by me opening the diary. The first page caught my eye, two initials were written on the upper right corner: S.G. As I turned the page, I started reading:

Nikko, the city that had been my home since the day I drew my first breath, the city I've known my entire life, the city where the first rays of sunlight kissed my cheeks, the city where I found my truest friends, friends I would cross the Styx with. And now, at the tender age of 16, on this day of March 9th 2008, it is the city I must say goodbye to. It's the city which I am moving out of, probably forever. [...] I buried my face into my hands. I was covered in sweat and I was breathing heavily. My lips were trembling uncontrollably and I felt a slight pain in my back. It took me a few minutes to calm down.

But it suddenly stopped. I turned the page, there was nothing else written. From the diary, I figured the S in S.G. stands for Sara. This diary describes events that happened in this city and in this very house, the Bakken residence. This girl, Sara, moved from Nikko to Osaka with her father in 2008. Was that Sara's house I moved in back then, in Nikko? And now, I'm sitting on the same bed, in the same house she lived in? This is too much for me, too many coincidences. What happened to her? She was troubled by these awful nightmares and her dad had gone missing. I hope she found him, I hope she's alright now. A knock on my door startled me. As the door slowly opened, I gasped.

"Maria, are you sleeping?" mom whispered.

"You can come in, mom." I sighed, glad it was her.

Mom sat next to me and grabbed my left hand.

"How are you feeling, Maria? Do you like Osaka so far?"

"I didn't actually see much of Osaka. Neither of us did. We've spent most of our day in this house."

"I know, I know. This house is quite something, isn't it?"

"You have no idea." I said, as I hid Sara's diary under the blanket, out of mom's sight.

"I promise you, tomorrow, the three of us will do something together, something to make us feel like our vacation started."

"I'd very much love that, mom."

"Awesome!" mom said, her eyes wrinkled as she smiled. "Good night, my ladybird." she added, kissing me on the forehead.

"Good night, mom."

As mom left my room, I pulled out the diary and hid it under my pillow. I turned off the night lamp and I made myself comfortable on the pillow. As I drifted off into the realm of the dreams, my past followed me again. Again, I was being tormented by the same recurring dream. I had to watch Sono's fall into the abyss and his rise to the stars, again and again. Each time he fell, I cried his name. Each time he rose to the stars, I was sad he left me. I wondered... Is Sono watching over me now from above, among the stars? I really wish I could see him again. I opened my eyes gradually, something was warming my face. Through the window, a golden light shone on my bed. I got out of bed and walked towards the light. The closer I got, the more I could distinguish the silhouette of a person. As I opened the window, a big smile emerged on my face. It was him, Sono stood before me. He smiled at me with warmth in his gaze. We stared in each other's eyes, I was dazed by the glow Sono radiated everywhere.

"Sono..." I whispered, reaching my hand to touch him.

As Sono got closer, to be touched by me, the light around him went out and a darkness engulfed him. As he lunged at me, he instantly turned into a werewolf. I woke up startled, gazing at the Sun shining through the window, no one was there. Why do I keep deluding myself with dreams of Sono coming back to me? This dream was different, Sono never turned into a werewolf and tried to hurt me before. As long as he was the same kindhearted Sono, I didn't care what form he came back in, human or werewolf. I picked up my phone, it was 8:26 AM. I rose from bed and walked to the window, to bathe into the sunlight, to feel alive. Mom was a morning person, as usual. I found her in the kitchen, as she was trying to get the stove working.

"Maria, you're up!" mom exclaimed, happy to see me.

"How can I be of help?" I asked, seeing her struggling there.

"I'm glad you asked. Your father went out to find a store nearby. He either got lost or his hands are full. I am to blame for that, I gave him a pretty long shopping list. Would you go out and try to find him? He might need help."

"Of course, mom, but how will I find him? Can I call him?"

"He forgot his phone. He promised he wouldn't go far. After he crossed the street, he took a right. You should be able to find him pretty easily. Try the first store you'll run into."

I nodded in approval. I would never refuse her, mom was my best friend. As I walked down the street, I got curious about my surroundings. I started paying attention to each house and their architecture. They were quite different and modern, compared to the houses in Tsukigata or the Bakken residence. In the distance, I saw a boy waiting in a bus station. I rushed to him, hoping he could guide me to the closest store.

"Excuse me!" I said, waving at him to draw his attention.

The boy turned to me confused.

"Good morning."

"Good morning." he replied.

"Can you help me with some information, please? Where can I find the closest store from here?"

"It depends!" the boy said.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"If you go forward, there is one about 500 meters away. If you go back, there is one about 200 meters away." the boy beamed.

"I missed it, didn't I?" I replied embarrassed.

"You must be new around here, aren't you?"

"No point in hiding that. My parents and I are tourists, it's our first time here, in Osaka."

"What would you even visit in this part of the city? The parks, the shrines, the Bakken residence?" he said, rolling his eyes.

"I actually live at the Bakken residence."

The boy looked at me astounded and concerned.

"B-Bakken? Why would you live there?" he stammered.

"My dad picked it. Why are you so surprised?"

"Don't you know about the rumors?"

The bus just arrived in the station.

"What rumours?"

"That house is haunted!" the boy said, right before he got on the bus, watching me with concern as the bus drove away.

Haunted? As in ghosts? If this was a joke meant to scare me, it was a harsh one. But what if that boy was being honest, what if the rumors are true? My phone started ringing. Dad called me to tell me he has already arrived home, that I can come back. As I got home, mom was waiting for me, sulking, but also smiling.

"It was a long way to the store, wasn't it, Maria?" mom smirked.

"I was... sightseeing?"

"I see. I guess I'll forgive you this time."

"Is that so?" I grinned, throwing a pack of tissues at her.

Mom suddenly became serious. She reached on the floor, grabbed the pack of tissues and placed it on the table.

"Feeling better now?" mom said.

I didn't reply, but she could see on my face that I liked it. As mom gestured she was leaving, she turned around, grabbed the pack and threw it back in my face. A smile emerged on her face. It seemed mom hadn't lost her sense of humor yet. This was war! After a minute of throwing tissues at each other, we both dropped on the floor, straight on our asses. We got tired and the floor was a mess now. Mom reached her arms around me and hugged me, then she kissed me on the forehead. I let myself get carried away by this moment. I loved this feeling, this warmth mom radiated. We both sighed at the same time.


"Yes, ladybird."

"How did you really find this house?"

"We've told you already. Your father did. When he saw it in the pictures, he said it felt like home to him. This house reminds him of his childhood home."

"So, he knows nothing about this house?"

"No, I don't think so. It's just a house, isn't it?"

"Guess what I've found out today." I laughed, as what I was about the say sounded so ridiculous to me now.


"This house is haunted!"

Mom quickly turned her gaze towards me. After a few seconds of staring at each other, both of us burst out laughing.

"Haunted..." mom sighed.

"It's just a house like any other." I added.

"Then, let's make it a home. But first, I promised you we'll do something fun today. Let's get dad!"

The three of us had such a great time together. As we wandered around the city, we visited parks, museums, shrines, took pictures, ate fancy food at a fancy restaurant, gazed at swans in a lake and many more activities. We had fun for hours! We arrived home around 6 PM. Unfortunately, the fun was over. There was still stuff to do around the house. Mom and I decided to fix some supper, dad went back to the store to buy more stuff. We expected he'd be back in a matter of minutes, but it took him like an hour.

"Home sweet home!" dad sighed, as he entered the house. Eriza? Maria? Where are you?"

"We're coming!" mom replied. "What happened? Did you get lost sightseeing like you know who?" she added, grinning and pointing at me with her eyes.

"I had to walk all over the area just to find a lousy doorknob that fits the front door. The other one is a little shaky and needs to be replaced. I don't want any of us to get stuck inside or outside."

"Let us help you with those boxes, will you?" mom said.

"Yes, thank you! I thought I'd never get home. I've bought a lot of stuff today, you'll see."

We started unpacking. We definitely needed some new plates and some glasses, but how would a garden gnome be useful right now? Dad was a bit odd sometimes. If he saw something he liked, he'd buy it on the spot.

"Look at this pile of boxes!" mom sighed, as she stuffed all of them into a huge plastic bag. "Will you take them outside, Maria? There are some dumpsters across the street, I've noticed."

"Can't I do it in the morning?"

"Please? Pretty please?" mom smiled.

"Hand me that bag." I smiled it return.

Outside, the city was shrouded in darkness. A faint streetlight was flickering on the other side of the road, shining light on the dumpsters behind it. After checking left and right for moving cars, I rushed across the road. Around the dumpsters, a few misplaced pieces of paper danced on the ground like tumbleweeds. I curiously lifted one of the dumpsters' lid, keeping my nose at a distance. I was pretty sure their trash smelled exactly like ours. My bag was a bit bulky, almost filling the dumpster. As I took a few steps away, the dumpster began to shake. Something must have tipped over inside. I took a few more steps and the dumpster moved again, causing even more noise. Was there something alive inside the dumpster? The lid lifted ajar and two small flickering eyes emerged.

I was terrified. Without hesitation, I started running in the opposite direction, back to the house. As my feet touched the road, a bright light blinded me, followed by a squealing sound. I sprinted in a flash to the other side. As I turned around, I spotted a car stopped in the middle of the road. The driver simply stood there, looking dumbfounded through the windshield. My body was trembling in fear. As I made a run for it, I heard the driver fleeing the scene too. Phew! That was so close! An extra split second and I would've been roadkill. Still in distress, I headed home. As I reached the front door, I turned the doorknob a few times, but the door wouldn't open. Did this damn doorknob really decide to stop working right now? It was fortunate dad bought a replacement. I started pounding on the door, calling to my parents. Mom or dad had to hear me eventually. Minutes passed, but no one answered. I slammed my head against the door. Where were they, why couldn't they hear me? All the windows were closed and there was no second entrance into this house.

From the corner of my eye, on the left side, I noticed a figure. It drew closer with hushed steps, then it reached out to touch my shoulder. I pulled away immediately. In the silence around us, we stared at each other closely for seconds and studied one other with curious gazes. She, the silhouette, was a girl. She looked like a teenager, about my age, she had shoulder-length brown hair, green eyes, wearing a pink blouse and a knee-length blue skirt. She looked skinny and frail. I had this odd feeling I already knew her. She seemed to be as curious as me. She gazed at my mid-back long, almost black hair, my dark brown eyes, my teal long dress covering my knees and my puffy midnight blue jacket. I kept looking at her puzzled, trying to figure out why she looked so familiar, like I've read about her in a story.

"That's because you did." the girl said, breaking the silence.

Did she just read my mind!?

"Who are you?" I asked confused.

"This is me." she replied, reaching out, holding something in the palms of her hands.

"That's... the diary I found behind the nightstand, the diary I read last night. You are..."

"The one who wrote it." she interrupted. "See, here are my initials, S.G., as in Sara Gin."

"You're Sara?"

"In the flesh, so to speak. And you're Maria."

"How do you know my name?"

"I have... been around."

"Have you been spying on us? How come I've never seen you around the house before?"

"You may have heard my whispers. Maria..."

"That... was you? Where were you hiding?"

"I wasn't hiding, Maria. You've read my diary. Why do you think my story ended so abruptly?"

"Have you found your father? Are you both okay?"

"Maria, I am about to tell you how my story ended. What you're about to hear may sound scary and impossible, but please keep an open mind. In this very house, my father and I had been killed... by a demon, by Josh. The demon has been killed, but I've been tied down to this house since, wandering alone."

"Josh was a demon and you're... a ghost?" I asked confused.

At that very moment, my legs went soft, I fell on the ground and... nothing. I've felt someone picked me up in their arms, carrying me. I've heard the sound of an ambulance, maybe more, I've heard people talking loudly, I've heard mom and dad crying. Then, I've felt my body shaking, someone was trying to wake me up.

"Maria, Maria!"

As I opened my eyes, Sara was standing over me. I slowly became aware of my surroundings, trying to understand what was going on. I was in the backyard, lying on the ground under a big old walnut tree, just Sara and I.

"What happened?"

"Maria, your mother... Ambulances came and took her to the hospital. Your father went too."

"What happened to my mom?"

"I have no idea. She was just lying there unconscious."

"Her heart! She must've had another heart attack! Why did they leave me behind? I don't understand. I have to get to that hospital."

"Which hospital?" Sara remarked.

"I... the one with the... Do you know?" I stammered, as I remembered I was talking to an actual ghost right now. "You're a ghost?" I repeated to myself.

"Thank you for the reminder..." Sara sighed.

"How can this be? Ghosts don't exist! If you're a ghost, how were you able to carry me in your arms? How can I shake your hand right now?" I said confused.

Sara paused, like she was trying to find an answer in her head. Then she exclaimed:

"My diary! It must've connected the two of us somehow, bridging the gap between the flesh and the spirit."

"I am still not convinced. You seem quite solid to me and your body isn't see-through, as the tales go."

"What if I can prove it to you? Follow me with your eyes."

She started running towards the house. Right before hitting the wall, she just went through it and vanished. Seconds later, I saw her waving at me through the window, from my bedroom, calling me inside. I rushed to the front door, it was wide open. As I entered, I made sure the door was ajar, I didn't want to get stuck inside. When I got to my room, Sara was still inside, by the window.

"Do you believe me now?" Sara smirked.

"I do!" I replied dumbfounded.

Sara looked to her left and her face suddenly turned grim. Her gaze was full of sorrow.


"Memories... This wardrobe brings back so many painful memories. This door... Oh, God! There's so much agony and dreadfulness shrouding this wardrobe. This whole house..."

"Sara, you're giving me the creeps." I interrupted.

"I remember the cops finding us days later, dad hanging in this wardrobe, me lying on this floor. This is where my father had been killed. This is the room where the demon, the evil spirit, Josh, took the life out of me."

"What if you'll turn into a demon too?" I asked concerned.

"I didn't choose to die, my soul is still pure. Josh took his own life and doomed his soul, tying himself down to this house."

"And that's why he needed you, to cut down his ties."

"Now I am tied down to this house, but I can't figure why. I don't know what's holding me back. Demons, ghosts, you're taking this surprisingly well, Maria. Perhaps too well."

"I've had my fair share of the supernatural. I've seen some things in my life. Have you ever met a werewolf?"

"Werewolves? Impossible!"

"Says the ghost. Sara, may I share with you my thoughts about our current situation?"

"What do you have in mind?" Sara replied intrigued.

"I have no idea how to find my mother, you have no idea what is keeping you tied down to this house. What if we can help each other?"

"What a brilliant idea!" Sara exclaimed. "I've been waiting for four years for someone to help me. I guess I can wait a while longer. Finding your mother first is the emergency."

"Thank you, Sara!" I said, as I gave her a tight hug.

It was late into the night. I had this urge to find mom as soon as possible, but Sara advised me to wait for the next day. Walking alone on the streets shrouded in darkness, wandering aimlessly through the night, on this late hour, wasn't a good idea at all. I lay on my bed, trying to get some rest.

"Sara, will you lie next to me?"

Sara nodded in approval. As she lay next to me, I gazed into her eyes and she gazed into mine.

"Sara?" I whispered.

"Yes, Maria?"

"Do ghosts sleep?"

"Not really. Sort of. Maybe?"

"Do they dream?"

That was the last thing I remembered before falling asleep. All night long I've dreamed about mom, about deafening sirens of ambulances, about mom being sick, lying on some hospital bed alone and no one was there to help her. Each time I would find her, she would just vanish before my eyes like smoke. Then, I felt two hands grabbing me, as if pulling me out of the dream, into the real world. As I opened my eyes, I saw Sara standing above me, moving her mouth, saying something, as my hearing was clearing.

"Maria, wake up!"

"What happened? What time is it?"

"Are you alright? You've been talking in your sleep, calling your mother's name."

"Mom, is she back, is she here?" I asked half asleep.

"Maria, look into my eyes, please concentrate."

"We have to find mom!" I said, as my mind cleared.

"Yes. Now, where do we start? Do you know where to find the hospitals around here? Maybe the closest one?"

"I have no idea. This is like my third day in Osaka. Do you?"

"I'd barely left this house when I was alive. Can't you use the Internet on your phone or something?"

"My phone is antique and this house has no Internet connection anyway. I guess I'll have to do it the old-fashioned way."

"The old-fashioned way?" Sara asked confused.

I went outside the house and waited, while walking back and forth on the sidewalk. Sara was gazing at me, waiting outside on the stairs. Somebody had to walk by eventually, somebody able to offer me some information. Minutes later, a man walked past me.

"Sir! Sir? Good morning, sir. Can you help me? Do you know where the closest hospital is?"

He turned his head for about two seconds, but he wouldn't answer. He continued on his way and, as he reached the next house, he threw a newspaper at the door. The newspaper guy? What, is he upset we didn't subscribe? Or he's just being rude? Over the next hour, as other people walked by, each of them hurried their step when I approached them. Were they rude or simply scared of the Bakken residence? This was pointless, I was just wasting my time here.

"This is pointless." I sighed, as I turned to Sara. "Osaka is a big city, it surely has many hospitals. We can't just try our luck."

"There is something I could try, but I have no idea if it'll work. I had a friend once that could show me things, memories. Maybe I can do the same."

"I don't really have better options."

"Come with me into the house."

Sara took me into the kitchen. We both sat on the floor, legs crossed. Sara closed her eyes, then she covered my head with her hands. What was she planning? The air around got cooler. Curtains fluttered, creating dancing shadows on the walls, and pots rattled, clanging ominously. Whatever Sara was doing started to scare me. I had to stop her, so I called her name.


But I didn't get to finish her name, Sara just vanished in front of me in a flash.

"Sara? Sara!" I cried.




 As I was holding Maria's head, I heard her trying to call my name. But she suddenly stopped, I couldn't hear her anymore. When I opened my eyes, my hands were holding onto empty air. My hands, my feet, my entire body was glowing, shining bright like the Sun. Beneath my feet there was a blue canvas-like floor rippling with chaotic shades of gray. In front of me, there was a bright green door numbered sixteen. This was the prison, I was back into the Infinity Hall. How did I get here? Something felt oddly familiar about this moment, it felt like déjà vu. I stood on my feet and I walked to the green door. As I opened the door, standing in front of the fifteenth room, looking inside, I saw... myself. Everything made sense now. From the fifteenth room, a sudden gust of wind pushed the other Sara right through me, inside the sixteenth room. As I looked behind, the other me fell on the floor, quickly being sucked into an abyss of darkness. The glow of my body started to dim little by little. As I entered the fifteenth room, chained up, a familiar voice grunted:

 "Who are you?"

 "Nik, it's me." I replied, as my body returned to normal.

 "Sara? But, I just sent you back to... Then who?"

 "That is the Sara you need to save."

 "But, if you're here, that means I failed. I couldn't save you."

 "I know why this is happening, I know why I am here now. It all makes sense. I need to set you free, so you can save my soul."

 "How will you break me free? These shackles are not ordinary ones, they can't be opened with just any key. Josh made sure of it."

"What if I can make another key?" I wondered.

These events already happened. My future self did it before, I can do it too. I know I can. I remembered our fight against Josh, I remembered the silver knife coming into existence and I remembered Nik said that was my doing, my power. I wonder, why did my body glow before? If any, I had to gather whatever light was left in me and focus it. In the palms of my hands, grains of light emerged, floating around. As more and more gathered, they started grouping together. After a bright flash, the grains of light took form in the shape of a key. Nik gazed at my palms in awe.

"How divine!" Nik exclaimed.

"Let's hope this works."

I inserted the key made of light into one of the shackles. As I turned it once, the key shapeshifted inside the lock and the chains started glowing, exploding in a myriad of grains of light. The light, my light, fell on Nik's skin and entered his body. Nik was free.

"Thank you, Sara."

"Thank you, Nik." I replied, hugging his huge angelic body. "I've been waiting to see you again for four years."

 "It's been four years?"

 "Remember, you can't change my past, your future, no matter the reason. You must let me go."

 "I understand, we must preserve the timeline."

"When you'll meet me again, tell me to not break the loop! Now, it's time for you to save my soul. Sara is waiting for you."

"Through the sixteenth door?"

"Straight into the abyss."

Nik entered the room without hesitation. As he jumped into the darkness, I felt a hand touched my shoulder. In the blink of an eye, the space around me distorted, compressing itself into a sphere, sucking me inside.




As I was sitting alone on the kitchen floor, wondering what happened to Sara, in front of me, a sphere-like object emerged, distorting the space around it. In the blink of an eye, the sphere expanded and Sara materialized. But she wasn't alone.

"Sara, behind you!"

As Sara turned around and saw the figure behind her, her face lit up with joy.

"Nik!" she exclaimed, hugging him right away.

"Sara, it's so good to see you again!" he replied.

"Wait, which Nik are you?" Sara asked.

"Your Nik!"

"Wait, who is Nik?" I asked in total confusion.

"Sorry." Sara replied, as she let go of Nik. "Nik is the one who saved me from Josh. He's my guardian angel!" Sara smiled.

"Guardian angel?" I replied even more confused.

This tall boy with black hair and brown eyes looked nothing like an angel to me.

"It's been four years, four damn long years! I'm so glad to see you again!" Sara said, as she hugged Nik again.

"I'm sad to tell you this, Sara, but I can't be here for long."

"Why not? You've just got here."

"Sara, I don't belong to this world anymore. I have failed to protect your life, but I saved your soul from being consumed by Josh. You were my only bond to this world. I've completed the loop, I've done my part. My soul is free now."

"So, that's the reason you vanished four years ago, in the middle of that vision about dad. The bond had been broken."

"My time was up. I vanished, but not before I took one more trip to the Infinity Hall. I found your dad, his soul is free."

"I am glad to hear that, my dad is in a better place!" Sara smiled. "That prison, you knew I'd be there just now, didn't you?"

"Indeed, I knew the exact moment you'd return because it had already happened. Time works differently there. Past, present and future can overlap. I had to take you back to this world right away. But I can't wander this world for too long, the gate between the living and the spirit realms might open and other spirits could get through."

"I saved you so you can save me, you saved me so I can save you. It's a mind-blowing loop! How much time do you have left?"

"A matter of minutes, maybe. Sorry, I didn't even ask. Who is your friend?"

"She is Maria. To not waste any more time, we are trying to locate Maria's mother. I tried to do what you do, to see things, but you already know how that ended."

Nik sighed deeply. As he gazed into my eyes, he most likely saw my urge to find mom.

"She doesn't know, does she?"

"She doesn't..." Sara nodded.

"Know what?" I asked confused.

Right before my eyes, Nik's body started to change, to embiggen, as he turned into this tall human-like creature with grey skin and feathers on his head, hands and feet. Two feathered wings spanned on his back.

"I get it now..." I gasped, gazing at Nik's alter body.

"I need a picture of your mother, Maria." Nik said. "I need to know what she looks like."

I quickly brought him a framed family photo I had on the living room table.

"All three of you? No worries, that won't be a problem." Nik said, as he drew closer to me.

Nik took a good look at the picture, to memorize mom's face. Then he extended his arms, trying to cover my head with his feathery hands. I hesitated and pulled back, then I looked at Sara.

"It's okay." she said, in a reassuring voice.

I closed my eyes and let myself into Nik's hands. So it began... I saw the Bakken residence, I saw a long road, a school, then another long road. I saw a traffic light, a crosswalk. I saw a big hospital... Then I saw dad, he looked sad. He was sitting in a hallway, crying. I saw a ward numbered 606, mom was inside. She looked like she was asleep, but I think it was much worse. I felt her spirit fading, I felt her sadness weakening her body.

"Does your mother have a heart condition?" Nik asked.

"Yes, she has, for several years now. We try to keep her heart happy, we try to make her smile as often as possible."

"Her heart is very weak now. Can you feel it too?"

"Yes! How are you doing this?"

Nik suddenly flinched.

"Your mother... She's in danger! A foreign entity is in the room with her, drawing closer."

Nik was right, I felt something too, something disturbing. Mom wasn't alone.

"Show me more! Please."

But the visions suddenly stopped. As I opened my eyes, Nik was vanishing like smoke. Sara reached out, like she was trying to catch him, to touch Nik one more time. But he ran out of time. Nik was gone.

"Nik..." Sara sighed. "Maria, do you remember everything Nik showed you? Do you know how to find your mother?"

"Clear as day! It's a long way, but I know exactly how to get there. Shall we go, Sara? Before it's too late."

"Of course, Maria."

It was almost night in Osaka. We hoped that no one was roaming the streets at this hour, but Sara and I. We didn't want anyone to accidentally seeing the body of a teenage girl floating in the air or anything like that. The sky was cloudy, starlight and moonlight barely touched the ground. It was pretty dark outside. As we walked down the street, Sara told me the school in the vision was the school she went to when she was alive. This school was supposed to be very close now. Around the corner the school was supposed to emerge from, an ambiguous voice could be heard. It sounded like someone was in great pain, but also singing at the same time. We slowed down. We could hear this voice getting clearer, this man getting closer. As the man turned around the corner, we stopped in his path. We looked at him, he looked at me, then he looked at Sara. He looked a little dizzy, he was definitely extremely drunk. He rubbed his eyes, then opened them widely.

"G-g-ghosts!" he exclaimed frightened.

"Where?" Sara answered inspired.

The drunkard fell on his back, he got up wobbling and fled. Equally frightened, we started running in the opposite direction, back towards the house. As we hastened, through the blurry dark surroundings, I spotted a shadow with the corner of my eye, a shadow running along with us. As the shadow jumped left and right on the rooftops, I could observe its feet, four of them. In the blink of an eye, the shadow jumped from the rooftops, landing right in front of us. This shadow. Four furry legs, a furry body and an elongated wolf-like snout... A werewolf. This time I wasn't scared anymore. I stood right before it, fixing its eyes. Could it be?

"I am not him. And I don't have to read minds to figure out the question echoing in your mind."

"Zoey..." I said, with disdain in my voice.

"Precisely." Zoey replied, as her body slowly returned to her human form.

"So this is one of the werewolves you've mentioned." Sara added, with fear and hesitation in her voice.

"Why are you here, Zoey?" I asked.

"You have no reason to fear me now. I come in peace."

"But you're dead! How can you be here?"

"I'm not the only dead one here, am I?"

Zoey looked at me, I turned my gaze to Sara and Sara turned her gaze to Zoey. Sara nodded in approval. Zoey looked at Sara in confusion, then she nodded too.

"Why are you here, Zoey? Did you come back from the dead to finish the job?"

"Hold your tongue! I know what I did! I am a mere spirit now. The wolf is just for show, it no longer fuels my anger. I let go, but the memories of what I did are still there. I regret every second of it. But now I'm here to help you, to repay a debt to an old friend. It's the least I can do for I have cursed him."

"Sono? Did Sono sent you? Where is he?"

"That I don't know. Today, the gate between the realms has been opened shortly. My encounter with Sono was brief. He couldn't cross over, so he asked me to come and help you. So, no more talking, I can't be here for too long. We must hurry. You need to get to your mother, don't you? Both of you, hop on my back." Zoey said, as she turned back into a werewolf.

"Will that actually work?" I hesitated. "I know I can have physical contact with Sara, but can a human ride a ghost?"

"We shall find out right now. Hop on."

Sara jumped on Zoey's furry broad back, then I followed. Zoey was right, it worked.

"To the hospital it is. Hang on tight! It's gonna be a bumpy ride over the rooftops."

"The rooftops??"

And off we went. As I was guiding Zoey to the hospital, the three of us dashed on the top of the buildings. Down on the streets, the wind was a mere breeze. Up here, Zoey's speed made my cheeks fell behind. It was an oddly pleasant sensation. The speed, the feeling of the muscles on my face, the way my hair randomly danced around my head and the landscapes from above, I could do this all day. As the hospital came in view, Zoey dropped on street level, behind the hospital, away from human gazes.

"It's time to come down. This is the end of your ride and mine too. It's time for me to go."

"I see you, Zoey, I see the real you now." I said, gazing in her kind warm eyes.

"Goodbye, Maria!" Zoey said, as she disappeared on the rooftops, into the sky, into the distance.

"Goodbye! Thank you, Zoey!"

We were finally at the hospital. As we walked around the building to reach the front door, I realized this hospital was enormous. Inside, by the front desk, a long queue was formed. There were probably over 50 people waiting in line.

"This is going to take an eternity!" I sighed.

"What if we don't check in? In this crowd, one teenager might be able to move unnoticed."

"One? Oh, I get it."

"What is the number on your mother's ward?"


"That probably means she's on the sixth floor."

"Here, let's take the elevator." I said, as I tried to blend in the crowd.

As we reached the sixth floor, a long hallway stretched before us. I gulped. I was eager, but also anxious of finally seeing mom. Sara looked agitated too. Even though she was by my side all the way here, she gave me this odd feeling she didn't want me or her to be here.

"601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606." I sighed, then looked at Sara. "Who will be waiting for us on the other side of this door? Mom, dad?"

"A malefic entity?" Sara gulped.

Sara gave me a worried piercing look. I was staring at the ward door, checking it from top to bottom. 606... I softly opened the door. On a snow-white bed, there lay my mother. All manner of medical machines surrounded her, keeping a watch on her. Mom looked pale and her eyes looked to be shut for an eternity. Dad wasn't there at the moment, mom was all alone. I drew closer to her, to hold her hand, to feel her skin. There was complete silence in the room, I could hear mom heavily breathing through this mask. My mother's hand was a bit cold, but streams of sweat were running on her forehead. Her whole visage and much of her torso were moist, a sign that the fight to stay in this world was raging in her mind and her heart.

"Mom..." I gazed at her full of sadness.

Sara was on the other side of mom's bed. Behind her, out of thin air, the space began to distort and a smoke-like mist emerged.

"Sara, is that... the entity?" my voice trembled.

As Sara turned around, the mist started to spiral. But she did not react at all. She just stood there, staring at the mist. I panicked. The fear inside made my feet back away, tripping over a cable. In my fall, I grabbed this curtain that separated the ward in two. As I fell on the floor, the curtain released and fell off, covering another bed, another patient in this ward.

"Maria, don't be afraid!" Sara said.

In a matter of seconds, the spiral increased and the mist began to clear, slowly taking on human form. It was a familiar figure, it was... Nik, Nik has returned! Sara's face enlightened. She hugged him so fast like she hadn't seen him in ages. I was glad Nik's back too, but I was rather more curious why. I was sure he didn't come back just to say hi. Something must have happened.

"You must leave this room immediately!" Nik said worried. "The evil entity is here!"

"You came back to warn us?" Sara added.

"What about mom? I can't just leave her here."

"We don't really have a choice here. Every second in this room is dangerous!"

"Where is this evil spirit? I can't see it, I don't sense it."

"Please trust me, Maria." Nik said.

"Is there something you're not telling me, Nik?"

"What do you mean?" Sara asked confused.

Nik looked behind me, he seemed quite anxious about something. This patient behind me had been pretty quiet this whole time, they must've had the same illness as my mother, maybe even worse. Who was mom's roommate? I was so intrigued, I couldn't resist a second longer.

"Maria, no!" Nik exclaimed, as I removed the curtain, uncovering the other patient.

Nik rushed at me, trying to pull me away, but I backed out of his way. As I turned my gaze towards the patient, trying to distinguish their face into the dim light, I saw... her.

"What is this? How can this be? I am... here, not there!" I said in complete shock, as I checked the patient's face again. "She looks exactly like me! She is ME!"

"Maria..." Sara intervened.

"Who is she? I was with you the whole time, Sara. How can I be in two places at once?"

"That is... you. I'm truly sorry, Maria. You weren't supposed to find out this way."

"All this time... you knew? Nik, you too? Am I... dead? Am I a ghost? I don't even know how this happened. I remember nothing."

"Maria, I hid this from you because a soul that knows it's dead can lose all hope. I needed you to think you're alive, to fight for staying with the living, to not cross to the other side."

I was so confused, I felt so lost. Nothing made sense to me anymore. I turned my gaze to Nik, an idea emerged in my head.

"Nik, please, cover my head, show me. I need answers, I need to understand." I begged him.

"It's time for her to know." Sara said, gazing into Nik's eyes.

Nik turned into an angel and his large feathery hands enveloped my head and eyes. I felt slightly disoriented and dizzy. Nik's gift was helping me see again. From the fog and darkness that lingered in my mind, images gradually began to emerge. It was night, it was dark. It was quite cold, I was wearing my puffy jacket. Everything felt so real. I was outside, in front of the house, holding a plastic trash bag in my hand. I crossed the road to the dumpsters not far away. After dumping the bag, something moved inside one of the bins, like there was something alive in it. I backed away slowly, I was scared. As I turned around, right before stepping into the road, a voice shouted:

"Maria, watch out!"

A bright light blinded me. All I could hear was a loud engine noise, followed by a long squealing sound. A car stopped in the middle of the road. After a few seconds, the driver fled, leaving behind the cold body of a teenage girl covered in blood. Shocked, I opened my eyes, my head still in Nik's hands.

"That night, that car, that driver... I never made it back to the house, didn't I? I never crossed that road. And Sara, her voice..."

"I tried to warn you, but you couldn't hear me then."

"That's why your mom's here." Nik sighed, as he returned to his human form.

"When she'd noticed you weren't back yet, she went out looking for you. The moment she saw you lying still on the road, bleeding and breathless, her heart couldn't take it." Sara said.

I fell on my knees, curled up. I was trying to wrap my mind around all of this. I had to accept that... I died. I looked at my body again. My head, my torso, my left hand and leg were bandaged. I was on life support, all sorts of medical monitoring devices were connected to my arms and chest. I was definitely in a coma, I was brain-dead. I felt I couldn't cope with this anymore. A lot of things made sense now. I being able to touch Sara, people ignoring me on the street and in the hospital. They just couldn't see me. I stood up and walked out of the ward, into the hallway. The realization of my death was downing on me hard. The hallway was deserted and silent, only my loud cry echoed. I couldn't notice any medics or nurses on the upper floors. Every patient seemed to be cared for and kept alive by machines. Nik and Sara followed me soon, looking worried.

"Please talk to us, Maria." Sara said.

"I don't know what to do now, Sara. I can't talk to my dad because he can't hear or see me and there is nothing I can do to save mom. This is all my fault!"

"You can't blame yourself for this."

"Who else then? If I payed attention as I crossed the road that night, mom wouldn't be here right now. One thing I don't understand. If I died that night and my body lying in there is just an empty vessel, why am I still here?"

The lights in the hallway dimmed as they began to oscillate chaotically, then they all went out. After a few seconds, all the lights began to turn back on one by one, from one end to the other. The hallway glowed, bathed in light, almost blinding us. What was going on? Why did the lights go crazy? Was someone doing this? With our eyes barely opened, the three of us gazed stiffly and puzzled at the blinding lights. As seconds passed by, the lights became more and more upsetting. Someone had to find the damn switch. As I took my first step, the lights began to go out one by one, in reverse order. One by one, I watched them go out, until my eyes gazed towards the end of the hallway. An awful silence settled. None of us moved, not because we couldn't, but because we no longer had the courage. Suddenly, we all shuddered. The hallway lit up in a flash, followed by a thundering noise, like something has just fallen from the sky behind us, something overwhelming the whole hallway with its light.

"Because you didn't die, Maria!" a voice spoke from the midst of the blinding light.

As we turned around slowly, the light started dimming and a glowing see-through silhouette emerged before us.

"You're here, in this hospital, because you're not dead yet." the voice spoke again.

"Sono!" I exclaimed dumbfounded.

"Maria..." he replied, with his soothing voice, as his body turned back to flesh and bones.

 I hugged him without a second thought and I stared into his eyes for what felt like forever. His warm presence made me forget all my worries in the blink of an eye.

"You're here! It's really you! You're here!"

"I'm here, Maria." Sono said, as his warm arms wrapped around me and hugged me tightly.

From the midst of our hug, Sono asked:

"Who are you friends?"

"Wait, you can see Sara and Nik? Are you also a spirit?"

"I am alive, Maria. Let's just say I figured that the gift of night vision the universe offered me, comes with many perks."

"What do you mean she didn't die?" Sara asked puzzled.

"Maria, that accident was dreadful, but it wasn't lethal. You're in a coma. Your brain has fallen into a deep sleep, but you're not brain-dead. Your body may be an empty vessel, but your heart is still beating. I know you still have a chance at life. You weren't aware you had never crossed that road that night. Your spirit had left your body in an instinctual search for help."

"It makes sense." Nik added. "A soul stuck in a dying body is doomed to pass on eventually."

"Are you saying Maria still has chance?" Sara asked. "If her body heals, she can return to it and come back to life?"

"That's what I'm hoping for." Sono replied.

"With Sara, Nik and you by my side, I have all the help I need. Sono?" I wondered. "You've been missing for two years. Why did you return at this very moment?"

"These two years have been very unusual and complicated for me. When I left, as I was rising to the stars, a beam of light enveloped me, dragging me along at the speed of light. In the place I ended up, I found out that I was not alone. There were others like me, older and wiser. For two years, I learned from them, I discovered who I really am and I learned about my gift, my abilities. I can control this gift now. The power of the stars also helped with the curse, the wolf inside me. My wolf isn't fueled by rage anymore. The others said they belonged there now, their time on Earth ended long ago, that I could always go back, but that was only up to me. It takes a lot of energy and self-control to break through the barrier between worlds. It was you, Maria, you being in danger gave me the push I needed. It took me several tries, but I did it, I'm here."

The lights in the hallway began to oscillate chaotically again.

"Sono? Are any more of your friends coming?" I asked.

"Not to my knowledge. I am the only Star Thief left alive."

"Then what's going on?" Nik said.

Sara and Nik pressed against the wall, staring at the ceiling, I hid behind Sono. His face turned from ponder to vigilance, showing no signs of fear. He showed such self-control. Suddenly, all the lights went out and the wall behind Nik gradually turned red. Two hands came out of the wall and grabbed Nik by the waist. Nik struggled, but those arms pulled him tighter and tighter, burying him into the wall little by little. Sara and I quickly grabbed Nik by his arms, trying to pull him away, but our strength didn't seem to make a difference. With great confidence, Sono drew closer to Nik and placed his palms on Nik's chest. They both began to glow. After a gentle press on his chest, Nik's whole body was enveloped in a glowing aura. The arms pulling him released him at once, as if Nik was hot like the Sun.

"What was that?" I asked terrified.

Sara stared at that wall in shock. She was frozen in place, unresponsive to anything I said. I grabbed her by the shoulders and started shaking her.

"Sara? Sara! Look at me! Say something!"

"No!" Sara said, as she came out of trance. "Those arms, those claws. It can't be!"

"Josh!" Nik said, puzzled and angry.

"The Josh?" I asked dumbfounded.

"How is this demon back? He should've been dead. Nik and I killed him." Sara said outraged.

"Killing a demon?" Sono said. "Demons can't be killed. They can be banished or purified, but killing them is impossible. You can't kill what's already dead."

"How did Josh get here?" I asked.

"That has to be my fault. My presence here keeps the door between worlds opened. Josh saw the opportunity and he took it. Our fight against him was in vain, Sara."

"Assigning blame now helps no one. The important question right now is why is Josh here. He must've come back for a reason." Sono said.

"Mom!" I shouted.

As we rushed inside mom's ward, Josh didn't seem to be anywhere near mom or in the room. I went to check my body too, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. As I turned around, Sono's face darkened with bewilderment.

"Maria! Come slowly towards us." Sono said worried.


"Just come here and don't look back."

Sara, Nik and Sono's were panicked. After taking three steps towards them, I couldn't help it. As I turned around, I saw my body was shrouded in a dark blue aura. The aura began to intensify, growing larger and larger. My body, the other Maria, opened her eyes. Her eyes were glowing red. She slowly raised her head, then her right hand and, in an attempt to rise from the bed, she rolled over and fell on the floor with a loud thud. As she tried to stand up on her frail legs, her body ached with the sound of cracking bones.

"How is she even moving in this state?" Nik asked puzzled.

"Josh's takeover is moving her body against its will." Sara replied astounded.

Josh watched us all carefully. We were afraid to do something, to do the first move. We didn't know what Josh was capable of. Josh's aura started changing again. The casts on my body became withered and brittle, then fell off easily, crumbling on the floor. Did Josh just heal my body?

"You're not getting this body, Josh! We beat you once, we'll beat you again!" Nik shouted in anger.

With an eye gesture, Josh pushed Nik into the wall like a leaf. Then he turned his gaze back at us.

"Josh seems to be... different, stronger." Sara remarked.

"Possessing a living body seems to augment his powers." Nik added, with disdain in his voice.

A bizarre smirk emerged on Josh's face. With the same strong gaze, he pushed all three of us into the same wall. With pain in his voice, Sono asked:

"How did you kill him the first time?"

"I stabbed him through the heart." Sara replied.

"I guess that can't be an option anymore." Sono said.

"You think?" I added.

Josh pointed his right hand to a window. As he closed his fist, the window broke into pieces and Josh jumped outside. He wanted to escape, to run away with my body.

"Hurry! Let's not lose sight of him!" Sono said.

We all flew out the window. Josh wasn't too far away. He looked behind once in a while, hoping we wouldn't catch up with him. Nik gazed at Sara, they both had something planned.

"Sara! Let's do it!"

"Together, Nik!"

Sara grabbed Nik's hand and they intertwined their fingers. As Sara's body started glowing, Nik's body was shrouded in this dark grey aura. In a flash, they vanished and, out of thin air, they reappeared before Josh and grabbed his arms with all their might. Sara reached out her left hand and a chain of light materialized. In the blink of an eye, she winded the chain around Josh, kneeling him. Josh struggled, but he knew, that as long as he was dwelling inside my body, no one would really hurt him.

"Turn him around!" Sono said. "Don't let go of him."

"What are you planning, Sono?" I asked.

"Your body is brimming with Josh's darkness. I have to bring light into it, to fight back the darkness. When I give you the sign, you must get closer and try to enter your body. Let's hope this works."

"I'll do my best, Sono!"

From behind us, from the hospital, a deafening alarm sounded. They must have finally noticed the broken window and my missing body. We were far away now, far from human gaze.

"Lend me your power!" Sono shouted, as he looked up.

Stars in the sky began to shine brighter, as if they heard Sono's call. Beams of light shoot from the sky, as they converged into Josh, shrouding him in light.

"This body belongs to the darkness, to me!" Josh shouted, in a wicked voice.

"My light will prevail! Maria, now!"

As I drew close to Josh, his eyes, my eyes, were filled with total darkness. When I reached out, trying to touch his face, my face, a blast of dark energy burst out of Josh, throwing me, Nik and Sara in the distance. The starlight around him dissipated, then the chains pulverized into thin air.

"Don't you get it?" Josh shouted. "You're no match for me!"

"How could he be so powerful?" Sono said in pain.

I looked at Sono, I gazed at his face. He fell on his knees, he looked like he had lost all hope. He looked disappointed, he looked angry. He bowed his head, I couldn't see his eyes anymore.

"Sono?" I said, trying to catch his gaze.

Sono didn't answer. His cheeks turned red with anger. On the cold ground, a tear fell from his eyes, not one of sadness, but of exasperation.

"Get away from me!" Sono cried out, in a thick voice.

As he stood up, he pushed me aside with his light. His body started to change, it was getting bigger and bigger. His hands and legs were growing, his back was embiggening and a tail began to grow. His body was fully covered in fur now. Sono looked at me. When I gazed into his eyes, I thought I'll see danger and evil, but all I saw in his eyes was calmness and kindness. He was the same old Sono. A short howl followed, then Sono's body became light.

"Astonishing!" Nik exclaimed in awe. "A werewolf of light." he added, as he turned into the familiar gray angel.

"What are you supposed to be?" Sono asked confused.

"Isn't it obvious? I am a guardian angel." Nik smirked.

"Light guy! Gray guy!" Josh shouted. "I see you're full of surprises. Let me show you mine!"

As Josh hurtled towards Sono and Nik, his dark aura changed, taking the shape of a hideous monster, Josh's demon form. A giant hammer took form out of Josh's aura, heading towards Sono. Sono raised his left arm and a shield of light emerged, blocking the hammer. Josh struck once, twice, but on the third hit, the shield broke. As Josh went for a fourth strike, Nik flew in front of Sono, stopping the hammer with his bare hands, creating a gust of wind towards Josh with his huge wings. He was outstanding! Sono jumped over Nik, grabbed the hammer with both his hands and squeezed it with all his strength, breaking it into pieces. Josh wasn't done yet, his aura changed again, into a scythe.

"Sono! We can't keep fighting like this. He's too fast. Do you have anything in mind?" Nik said.

"We have to fight him up close."

"That might work." Nik nodded.

Josh lunged his scythe, but Nik grabbed it by the edge, trying to push into the ground with his wind. The scythe pushed him a few meters, but Nik didn't give up, he managed to stop it in its way. Sono took this chance, he lunged at Josh, as a glowing sword took shape in his right hand. Josh started pushing the scythe harder. Nik realized he was in danger right away. He let go of the scythe and flew up right before being cut in half. The scythe took a turn in the air, meeting Sono's sword. Sono began to strike, it was a raging battle between his sword and Josh's scythe. Sparks of light and darkness flew everywhere. Every strike of the scythe and sword was parried, they seemed to be evenly matched. Suddenly, the sword shattered into a thousand pieces. Josh managed to overpower both Nik and Sono, they were out of breath, out of energy, barely able to fight.

"Who can stop him now?" I thought to myself.

"I will!" Sara replied, reading my mind again.


"I did it once, I can do it again!"

Her face turned very serious, something made her believe in herself. She was extremely determined to end this fight. Sara started screaming at the top of her lungs. Josh immediately turned his attention to her, dismay showed on his face. Her hair and clothes fluttered as air swirled around her. Her body started glowing even brighter and her aura began to shift. A massive dagger made of light, shining like silver, emerged in her right hand. At the sight of the dagger, Josh's aura vibrated for a second, like fear startled him. He definitely recalled his fate the last time he saw a dagger like that.

"Do you think that scares me, Sara?" Josh said, trying to hide the hesitation in his voice.

"You killed me in cold blood when I was a frail human being. Don't underestimate me now and don't expect any mercy!"

Sara lunged at Josh with her mighty dagger. As she swung her dagger, Josh was trying to parry, but he was getting sloppy, like fear and uncertainty were building inside him. Sara was quite ingenious. As she swung one more time, her dagger split in two, one in each hand. Josh managed to parry her right hand attacks, but a swift attack with her left hand cut through his scythe, splitting it in half. We all watched in awe. Sara was getting faster and stronger by each second. In a flash, she got right close to Josh. With both daggers, she started cutting through Josh's demonic aura, avoiding my body inside. She and her blades were cutting around Josh like she was dancing in the wind. Josh fell to his knees, as he was trying to keep his demonic aura together.

"The time is nigh, Josh! We'll bring her back. Daisy Sparkle!" Sara shouted.

I was confused, I didn't know what those two final words meant, but I gazed at Nik. He stood up again and flapped his wings, he knew. Sara threw her daggers in the air, above Josh's body. The daggers exploded, silvery flakes made of light rained down everywhere. Josh was tormented, the light of the flakes blinded him, completely dissipating his demonic body.

"Get ready, Sono!" Nik said, as he lunged at Josh.

Sono punched the ground and a wall of light emerged behind Josh. Nik flew right into Josh, picked him up from the ground and slammed him against the wall. Sono opened his mouth wide and howled at the moon. Light began to gather in his mouth. With a deafening cry, five rings of light shot from his mouth, raced towards Josh and shackled him onto the wall. Arms, legs and neck, Josh was now trapped, unable to move.

"Maria, now!" Sono shouted, as he lunged at Josh.

The stars in the sky suddenly pulsed and Sono's body turned into pure light. Then he entered inside Josh, inside my body, straight through the mouth. Josh gnashed in pain, then fainted. After a few seconds, he raised his head back up and started to struggle, frantically moving his body.

"No... Get... out! Get out of me!" he grunted.

Josh was in pain, my body was twitching chaotically and, every now and then, small bumps appeared under my skin, on my face and hands. Josh's possession of my body terrified me. I hastened towards Josh, towards my body. As I stood right before him, I gazed him in the eyes. In the darkness engulfing his eyes, my eyes, I saw a flicker of light growing slowly. I closed my eyes and walked towards my body. As I opened them, I could see absolutely nothing, it was pitch black, I was inside this infinite darkness. I was walking through nothingness, towards nothing.

"Maria! Follow my voice."

It was Sono's voice calling to me, trying to guide me.

"Maria! Follow my voice."

This voice was different, thicker. This was Josh, trying to coax me, to trick me, to pull me deeper into the darkness.

"Sono! Where are you? Talk to me again."

"Maria! Follow my voice." Sono replied.

"I am confused! I don't know where your voice is coming from. It sounds like an echo, coming from everywhere."

I just stood there into the darkness, alone and disoriented. Sono's voice kept calling me, over and over, in vain. I got down on my knees and closed my eyes, trying to focus on his voice, trying to separate it from the nothingness and the darkness surrounding me. As I was listening carefully, trying to clear my mind, Sono's voice stopped. Then, another voice called my name.


This voice... Could it be? A warm hand touched my head.

"Maria, my sweet ladybird."

As I looked up, my dear mother was standing right in front of me. She was dressed in this pure white dress, radiating beauty and kindness. She was breathtaking. I was in awe.

"Mom!" I exclaimed, standing on my feet.

As I gave her a tight hug, her arms enveloped me, giving me tranquility and security.

"Mom, how come you are here?" I asked confused.

"I'm here because I heard your call, Maria."

"I called you?"

"You called me with your heart. Others may have not heard it, but I did. Your heart was crying out my name so loud, it made my soul wake up from its deep slumber."

In that moment, a sadness washed over me, reminding me the state mom was in. But that sadness quickly turned into hopefulness, mom's spirit was here, safe and sound. Mom took a step back, then closed her eyes. Her body began to shine and change form, as she turned into a small sphere of light.

"Follow me! I will show you the way." mom's voice echoed.

 Through the dense darkness I followed mom's soul without hesitation. Wandering in the dark, I sometimes felt my body going up, sometimes going down, but I could see nothing, only mom's soul guiding me. In the distance, a bright silhouette began to emerge, to take shape.

"We're here. He's been waiting for you to find him. Go to him, Maria. We'll meet again soon." mom said, as her soul rose higher and higher, vanishing in the distance.

"Thank you, mom. I'll see you soon, I promise."

Then I rushed towards the light, towards Sono.

"Maria! You've found me, you're here!" Sono gasped.

"Where exactly is here?" I asked confused.

"We're in your heart, Maria. This is where the soul dwells, spreading throughout the body."

"Like a web! There is so much darkness in my heart."

"When the proper soul is inside it, a heart is bright like the Sun. That's why I have to find Josh and force him out. If I succeed, you'll have to get your body back."

"How will I even do that?"

"I do not know, Maria. You'll have to figure that out by yourself, the answer is within your soul."

"My soul is going nowhere, you are!" a thick voice said.

The demon, Josh, emerged from the darkness, revealing himself in his human form to us. As he drew closer, Sono put himself in front of me.

"This body is mine now, Maria! Leave now or I will consume your soul!" Josh smirked, pointing at me.

"Over my dead body!" Sono shouted.

"So be it!"

In the blink of an eye, they lunged at each other. Sono turned back into a werewolf, as Josh showed us his demonic form. The two collided, their blows sending ripples of energy everywhere. They were moving so fast, my eyes could barely follow. As their colliding fists put distance between them, as more determined they raced towards each other and the fight became even more fierce. It looked like Josh was gaining the upper hand, Sono couldn't parry all his hits anymore. With his hardened fist, Josh landed a powerful blow into Sono's chest, flying him in the distance. Sono dropped like a stone near my feet, hurt and overwhelmed by Josh's power. I looked at him scared and angry I couldn't help him.

"Is that all you got, wolf boy?" Josh shouted in the distance.

"Sono, can you stand?" I asked worried.

"I guess the wolf isn't enough." Sono hardly replied.

"Maybe... be yourself?"

"Myself... I see." Sono sighed.

As Sono stood up, his body returned to his glowing see-through human form. He started walking with confidence towards Josh, he looked like he had a plan.

"Not dead yet? Good... You think you will stand a chance now, in your human form? Your confidence is laughable!"

"You think size matters, don't you?" Sono said, with great confidence in his voice. "Maria, I hope we will meet again."

Sono's body began to float, then he hastened towards Josh, soaring through the air. Josh's aura emerged again and dark spikes shot out of it. Sono evaded them easily, gliding around them. As Sono drew closer, Josh started throwing fists around, trying to grab him. But Sono was too fast, he avoided every hit, flying around with swift gracious moves. Josh couldn't lay a finger on him. With an angry roar, Josh's aura pushed Sono away. In mid air, Sono whipped his hand and a rope of light emerged. Sono threw the rope at Josh. As Josh tried to catch it, the rope whipped itself around his arm, then tied both his hands to his body, immobilizing him. As Josh struggled, Sono quickly flew behind him and grabbed him by the waist.

"Do you really think this is enough to put me down?" Josh grunted. "You're a mere human!"

"This is where you're wrong. I'm a Star Thief!"

Sono looked up, then he began to rise, to fly up faster and faster, taking Josh with him. Josh was still trying to escape, but Sono created circles of light around them, binding them together. Josh had no escape. This was my chance. It was time for me to get my body back. Still trying to figure out how to do it, I closed my eyes, wandering through my random thoughts. Heart, soul, something happy, happiness, people, friends, family, pleasant times, memories! A happy memory? That might work, hopefully. A thousand memories flashed through my mind, but one of them stuck out, for some reason. When I opened my eyes, from the darkness, a figure emerged. The demon, Josh, was back, holding something bright in his left hand.

"Mom! Let her go!"

"Do you want your mother to live? Make a choice! Give in, let me consume your soul and have your body and your mother can be free. Otherwise, it is her soul I will consume. Can you live with that?"

"Save yourself, Maria!" mom said, struggling in Josh's palm.

"Your time is running out. Make a choice now!"

This was all my fault, I couldn't let mom's innocent soul be consumed by the demon, I couldn't let mom die. She must live.

"You won! Let mom free and you can have my soul!"

"Wise choice." Josh said, as he let go of mom's soul.

Mom, her spirit, quickly rose and vanished. Josh got closer to me and grabbed me by the shoulders. I was terrified, but I've accepted my fate. I gazed at the demon's body, it started glowing and shrinking, slowly changing shape. From the bright blue aura, a silhouette emerged, staring in my eyes. I stared back, I was mesmerized. Before me stood this see-through bright blue body of a girl. She was... me, I was staring at myself dumbfounded.

"Maria, you've made the ultimate sacrifice. It's time! You are ready now." the other me said.

Then she hugged me tightly and her body slowly started combining with my body. For a split second, I panicked and closed my eyes. What just happened? I am ready for what? Was this a test from myself, to myself? As I opened my eyes, I was here, in Osaka, in front of the Bakken residence. When I opened the door, mom was waiting for me, sulking, but also smiling. Am I in heaven?

"It was a long way to the store, wasn't it, Maria?" mom smirked.

"I was... sightseeing?"

"I see. I guess I'll forgive you this time."

"Is that so?" I grinned, throwing a pack of tissues at her.

Mom suddenly became serious. She reached on the floor, grabbed the pack of tissues and placed it on the table.

"Feeling better now?" mom said.

I didn't reply, but she could see on my face that I liked it. As mom gestured she was leaving, she turned around, grabbed the pack and threw it back in my face. A smile emerged on her face. It seemed mom hadn't lost her sense of humor yet. This was war! After a minute of throwing tissues at each other, we both dropped on the floor, straight on our asses. We got tired and the floor was a mess now. Mom reached her arms around me and hugged me, then she kissed me on the forehead. I let myself get carried away by this moment. I loved this feeling, this warmth mom radiated. We both sighed at the same time. The floor was littered with scattered napkins. None of us felt like tidying up.

"Who will clean this mess now?" I laughed. "I need help."

"No one will help you!" a thick voice replied.

The demon, Josh, emerged in front of me. His dark aura started growing, engulfing the entire room. Mom froze like a statue next to me and her skin turned gray. I started panicking, my body trembled with fear. His darkness was getting closer and closer, turning the fear inside me into sadness and tears of despair.

"Help!" I cried loudly.

"I can help!" mom's powerful voice echoed throughout the room, shining light from her body.

"Me too!" dad added.

"Count me in!" Sara said, emerging in front of me.

"May I join?" Nik added.

"Is there room for me too?" Sono said.

Mom, dad, Sara, Nik and Sono, they were all here, they all wanted to help. I guess this wasn't about napkins anymore. All five of them surrounded me with their glowing bodies, wrapping me in their arms. In the midst of the hug, my body started glowing. My soul was filled with abundant happiness. The glow in my body began to grow, to fill up more and more space, to push away the darkness, to push the demon away. My soul, my body, was being filled by light. I could feel Josh's darkness being cast away and the light of my soul spreading outwards. When I opened my eyes, I could see the bright stars in the sky. I was lying on the ground, resting in Sara's arms.

"Maria, is that you in there?"

"S.G." I barely whispered.

I could barely speak. My body was so weak.

"It is you!" Sara smiled, gazing me in the eyes.

"Where is Sono?" I asked worried.

"Look up."

High up in the sky, through the clouds, a streak of light was visible, Sono was still fighting Josh.

"Nik is up there too." Sara added.

Sono, Nik and Josh rose higher and higher, above the clouds, close to the stars. We could barely see them, they were just a tiny bright dot in the sky. A bright explosion of light flared in the sky, like fireworks. Above us, someone was falling fast, getting closer and closer to us. Seconds before hitting the ground, a boy spread his wings, barely fluttering. Sara quickly jumped in the air, catching him in her arms.

"Nik!" Sara gazed at him, almost bursting in tears of happiness to see him safe.

Nik seemed drained of energy, he could barely speak. Holding onto Sara, he managed to stand up and return to his human form. He was pressing his left hand against his heart. He was in pain, but he was alive. I gazed at both of them, they were happy. Nik forced a smile for Sara, just to show her he was okay. I looked up in the sky. I was waiting, hoping someone will fall again. Hopefully it would be Sono. As I was staring at the sky, I began to feel dizzy and my vision blurred. I fell to the ground, I couldn't move at all, I fell into a deep slumber. In the background, I could still vaguely hear Nik and Sara's worried voices.

"Her body... she's still weak."

"Josh's darkness must've taken a heavy toll." Nik added.

"I think she's going into a coma again. We have to find a way to bring an ambulance here somehow."

Those were the last words I heard. I could only feel my body being shaken a few times and someone pressing hard on my chest, then... nothing. Then I started to blink. As I opened my eyes, I fumbled my hands around. I realized I was lying on something soft, on a bed, in a hospital ward. As I slowly turned my gaze to the right, on a chair in front of me sat a boy. He was asleep.

"Sono..." I whispered, breathing heavily.

"Maria!" Sono flinched, waking up. "You're awake!" he said, as he gently held my hands into his.

Sono looked so happy, his eyes were beaming. He bent forward and kissed me on the forehead.

"How long have I been here? How long have you been waiting on that chair, Sono?" I asked confused and worried.

"You've been sleeping for three days, Maria. Your body healed, I've been waiting for your soul to heal too."

"Three days..." I gasped. "The sky, the explosion, you and Josh. What happened?"

"As the battle was still raging, Josh managed to escape my bindings, but it was too late for him. Up there, close to the stars, it was my dominion. I had all the help I needed."

"Who helped you, Sono?"

"All the souls of the former Star Thieves emerged in the sky, surrounding us. They lent me all their power, all their light. Josh's body couldn't take something of that magnitude. The explosion followed and the demon was cleansed, every shred of his darkness has been purified by our light."

"He's finally gone!" I sighed in relief.

"That's the last we've seen of him. I promise."

"Will you help me up, Sono?" I asked, trying to get out of bed.

Sono hesitated, but I was already sitting up on the side of the bed. As he lent me his hands, I slowly rose on my feet and hugged him tightly. I was so happy Sono was here safe and sound, I was so happy all of this was finally over. I wondered where Sara and Nik were now.

"Now that I am back in my body, I probably can't see them anymore." I thought to myself.

"Do you think you can get rid of us so easily?"

Sara and Nik just entered the room. They were still here, I could still see them. They were both safe and sound.

"H-how can I still see you?" I stammered.

"I told you the first night we met, Maria. My diary connected us, our bond will never be broken. About Nik, I was able to see him too when I was alive. Nik isn't just a spirit."

"I am a guardian angel." Nik chuckled, scratching his head.

"Come here, you two!" I smiled.

As I hugged them both, Sara's body started to glow.

"The time has come!" Nik said.

"Have you found what kept you tied down here, Sara?" I asked, realizing what's about to happen.

"I've found my purpose, it was behind the fifteenth door." Sara said, as she gazed at Nik. "I've also found it in you, in helping you having a second chance at life. Please keep my diary, it will forever be the symbol of our eternal bond."

"Of course. I will cherish it forever."

"I have a huge favor to ask of you, Maria. Will you find Zak and Asuna and let them know what happened to me? Will you let my dear friends know that, in the end, I found peace?"

"I promise, Sara. I will find them, I will tell them everything."

Sono took my hand and gazed at Sara and Nik. They also held hands and gazed at us. I didn't want them to leave, but their souls were now at peace. Nothing was binding them to this world anymore. Two beams of light appeared above them.

"I will see you again..." Sara said.

"On the other side." Nik added.

"I will never forget you!" I said, waving at them.

They looked above, into the light, and their spirits slowly faded. As the light went out, Sara and Nik were gone. I felt sad they were gone, but happy they were in a better place. I looked at Sono, at least he was still around.

"Promise me you'll never leave again!" I smiled, punching him softly in his shoulder.

"I promise, Maria!" Sono smiled back, rubbing his shoulder.

Then he caressed my face, assuring me of his promise.

"Mom, dad!" I exclaimed, as I realized I almost forgot about them. "I need to see them now! Is mom still in ward 606?"

"She is still there." Sono replied.

"Will you help me get to her?"

Sono nodded in approval. As I entered the ward, I spotted dad sitting at the edge of the bed, whispering something to mom.

"Mom, dad!" I said, to draw their attention.

"Maria!" mom smiled.

I rushed to them and gave them a long hug. Dad was alright and mom looked very alive now, no longer was she lying on this bed, struggling for her life. Behind me, Sono stood there, looking at us with a smile on his face.

"Mom, dad? Do you remember Sono? He's..."

"...back!" mom interrupted. "We know, Maria."

"Don't worry, I explained everything to them." Sono added. "Your parents were very receptive. Your mother was very helpful too, convincing your father that the nature of the events we went through was real, that it truly happened. She knows, she was there."

"I was dumbfounded at first, I thought it was all fairy tales." dad said. "When I heard your mom concurring these events, I thought this was some elaborate prank your mother was trying to pull on me. But, I have to be honest, not even her could come up with something so otherworldly." dad laughed.

"She does that, doesn't she? Her occasional pranks can go so wrong sometimes." I said, laughing out loud.

We all gathered around mom's bed. Amidst laughter, reminiscing of old memories, we started talking about everything that had happened since we got here and what the future holds for us. Three days passed by, both mom and I were feeling much better. With dad and Sono's help, we were both discharged. We left the hospital with a smile on our faces. We all decided that these were our last moments here, we were definitely going to leave Osaka. This was definitely anything but a vacation.

Together, we went to the Bakken residence for one last time. Together, we packed the half-unpacked stuff and we left this house exactly as we found it. Except the diary, I made a promise I wouldn't leave that behind. Then, we slammed the door shut and we left the Bakken residence with no regret, without looking behind. Our dear home in Tsukigata had been waiting for us.