Ahn Ye Joon

What-what should I do now? They nervously smiled tried theirs best to hide the fear they were feeling right now somebody help meee~.....

(48 hours earlier)

"Joon! Ye Joon!" A voice echoed "AHN YE JOON WAKE UP" Ye Joon flinched and woke up from sleep "did you had good sleep?" professor smiled with rage "if you did then focus on the class" again she shouted. Ahn Ye Joon a normal college student majoring in acting and performing arts.

"I heard you again got scolded by professor" his best friend Lee Hye-jin laughed and sat next chair to him "Thank God I didn't took her classes" she kept her hands on her chest and sighed to show that she was relieved. "By the way are you free today?"

"No I have one more class to attend" he said while taking out his note book for class "and after that I have to go to my part time" well Ye Joon's family status was good but still he worked at cafe, because his parents didn't supported his choice in carrier for film industry, so he decided to work part time, But still his parents bought him a apartment and paid for his study fees too "Why?" He asked

"Nothing wanted to watch movie at theatre" she pouted "it's alright I'll go with my baby" her face sprinkled.

"All right class get back to your seat" professor came and said.

After classes he went to cafe where he work as part timer. He work there after classes, noon to night. "Welcome to cafe 'Coffee Love'" said to a customer and took their's order "please wait there I will call you when your order will get ready" he said with smile. It's was a small cafe that run by his cusion brother that's why it's easy for him to work here.

"Get home safely" his cusion said. It's alright 9 at night and his shift was ended. so he head to his apartment "ahh I'm tired" he stretched his arms.

His apartment was not far but have to go through a alley. He passed the alley where he heard thud sound like something fell, so he stopped "what's that sound?" he turned his head here and there to check "nothing?" He started to walked but again heard but this time person's voice, screaming and begging.

"Ple-please Ugh-kkg" he felt sound was coming from nearby. So he picked the one of dark alley. There he saw two figures, one was on ground in knees while other next to him, standing while holding him by hairs. Figures were not much visual as it's dark.

"Please let me go" the one on kneels begged. Suddenly a street light turned on made Ye Joon flinched and his leg landed on something that made a crack sound and got attention of two men "I seen nothing" Ye Joon shouted in panicked and turned to run but got pulled.

"Where do you think you're going" the voice was so deep that made Ye Joon to shivered in fear. "Hmm?" Ye Joon turned his head to face him. The man pulled him by his bag. He was tall.

"I'm sorry" Ye Joon closed his eyes and rised his hands in praying sign "I won't tell anyone about this. Please leave me"

"Hey you" they heard a new voice interrupted them "you're the person who beat my brother, right?" the men came with some people, hands full with random weapons. "Hyung~hic" the person who was on kneel cried "Hyung save me- agh-" he grabbed his stomach and layed on ground.

"You, how dare you hurt my little brother?" The boss got angry and ran with knife in his hand "how dare you" He pointed the knife towards the man but he stepped aside and kicked him in the back. Boss fall on ground. He touched his nose, it's bleeding. "Everyone attack" the boss shouted and this time whole gang attacked at once.

Ye Joon took advantage of the fight between the gang and the man and sneaked out.

After few miles of run he stopped and caught on his breath. He calmed down and thoughts about what happened earlier, it was scary. He looked behind there was no one of course he ran too fast to be got caught. He headed to his apartment.