How did he know we are friends

"Do you know her?" Ye-joon looked the picture closely and shocked seeing his own picture but photo was as a girl. He looked up to the person his hands shaked when he saw the person "Jae- Jae-han sir?"

"That's good you remember me" Jae-han said with a smile "I am her fiance. I heard you're friend with her"

Ye-joon glumped. Even though Jae-han was smiling, still its feared him.

"Fi-fiance?" Ye-joon said in confusion "when did I said yes or Hye-jin said it" he mumbled to himself

"What are you saying? I can't hear you"

"It's nothing" he said "excuse me" he turned to go.

"Wait a minute" Jae-han stopped him and stood up "Here is my card. Contact me when you're free" he said and kept the card in Ye-joon's hand and went out of cafe.

Ye-joon went to counter and kept the tray and immediately went to his locker room and fished his phone and called Hye-jin "did you agree to marry Jae-han?"

"What are you saying?" Hye-jin said from other side of phone.

"Jae-han. I met him. He said he is your fiance and how did he know we are friends?"

"What? Did he said that?"

"Yeah" he said "and how did he know we are friends?"

"I don't know. Maybe- Miss Lee Hye-jin Mr. Yoon is calling you and the client has arrived" an employe said to her "oh okay. I am coming" she said to him "well I have to go. let's meet tomorrow and discuss about it." She sighed " I am hanging, bye" she said and ended the call.

Ye-joon sigh and sat on the bench on locker room beside him. "Did I said yes?" He questioned himself "of course not I clearly remember. Ahh~" he rubbed his head "its frustrating"

He sat there in silent and mumbled to himself "just forget it. He didn't even recognised me last time. I am sure someone told him that I am Hye-jin's friend" he said tried to convince himself.


"This way ma'am" Hye-jin's Dad's assistant Mr. Yoon, whom her dad told him to train her. "I am waiting outside. If you need anything, call me" they were at company. Hye-jin meeting a special client, that's what they told her, that's why they arranged a separate room for meeting.

"Wait I am going alone?" She asked and he nodded his head "but why?"

"I think it's better you two talk alone" he said

"Who am I meeting?" She again asked

"Mr. Han" he simply replied

"Okay" she said and went inside the room with confidence and said "Mr. Han sorry for making you wait. I am Lee Hye-ji-" she stopped when she saw the person "Han Jae-han?"

Jae-han looked her with cold face "Lee Hye-jin-"

"No" Hye-jin shouted "I mean I am Lee Hye-jin's assistant" she said in nervousness "yeah I am her assistant"

"Oh" he said with a dry voice "please have a sit" he said indicated her to sat on chair

"She is busy that's why I came in her place" she sat on chair and said.

"Oh I see" even though Jae-han knew that she was lying but still he played along with her to see how far she can lie. "Well you know that why we are here"

"Yeah" she said and fished a book from her bag "is it's the design you wanted to change"

"Yeah" he said "your design is good but I want something related to the main album that group is going to release" they discussed the design almost for an hour.

"Okay then I will design it's as you want" she said

"Thank you" he said and stood up and went out of room.

Hye-jin flopped on chair and took a deep breath after Jae-han leaved the room. She was so worried about meeting with Jae-han.