He can end my acting career before it even starts.

Ye-joon and Hye-jin but th were shocked. Hye-jin dropped the spoon that she hold in her hands palm.

"Wha~" Hye-jin's voice cracked. she adjusted her voice and said "what did he asked?"

"He asked if you two know each others and I said 'yes you two are best friends" she said with smile.

"Oh I see" Hye-jin smiled back "but why suddenly he asked about us?"

"Don't know" she said "oh yeah, he asked about Ye-joon sunbae first"

"Why? Why did he asked about me?" Ye-joon asked.

"Well he saw our short film-" Jin-ha said "where you acted as a girl" hearing that Ye-joon and Hye-jin stared each others.

"He knows" Ye-joon mouthed to Hye-jin.

"Jin-ha?" Someone called her "omg it's really you"

"Min Ae-ra" Jin-ha stood up from her chair "it's been a while" they both hugged.

"Oh! They are?" Ae-ra asked Jin-ha

"My senior from University" she said

"Oh nice to meet you" she bowed them "well Jin-ha's seniors, can I borrow her?" She asked

"Yeah sure" Hye-jin said "we get what we wanted to know" Hye-jin and Ye-joon smiled at them.

"Okay sunbae. See you later" she said and went out with her friend.

Both Hye-jin and Ye-joon too said bye with smiles but as soon as he disappeared both's face became gloomy.

"So he knows about it" Hye-jin said "then why didn't he said any the to me other day?" She questioned herself.

"I don't want know whatever is the reason but you have to call and tell him that I have nothing to do with it" he said seriously "and also tell him not to come to cafe where I work."

"Okay I will"

"What do you mean I will. Call him right now and tell him" Ye-joon almost shouted "I don't believe you. How many time I told you to tell him the truth but you always refused and now see what happened" he said with depressed face "he knows about my work place and don't know what more he knows about me"

"Ye-joon calm down, okay?" Hye-jin tried to cooled he m down

"How am I supposed to calm down?" He said worriedly "you know Han Jae-han is Executive Director of The Dream Waves. He can end my acting career before it even starts."

"Okay okay I will call him right away" she said and fished her phone from her coat and about to search for Jae-han's number but someone already called her "ah Ye-joon it's argent call I have to pick" she said to Ye-joon.

"Do whatever you want to do" he said and layed down on the table.

Hye-jin looked him worriedly. She knows that how much Ye-joon love acting he even fought with his parents when they told him to quit. She sighed and picked the call.

"Yes Mr. Yoon?" She said and heard whatever other side of the person in call said "okay I am coming" she said and ended the call. "Ye-joon?" She called her "I have to go now it's argent but I promise I will call him and clear everything. I promise" she said sincerely

"Okay you can go but first drop me to work place"

"Sure why not" she said with smile and dropped him cafe and went to her way.

Ye-joon went inside cafe with depression face "what happened Ye-joon?" His cousin brother Ho Ji-hyun asked

"Nothing" he said and went to changing room and changed dree and came back with same face and worked

It's evening time Ye-joon went to a restaurant where his dad told her to come for family dinner. "Dad?" She called as soon as she spotted him. She went near but stopped when she saw "Han Jae-han"