Chapter 27 Return to Monck

After more than two hours of arduous trekking, the exhausted German paratroopers finally arrived at Monck. The person they had been eagerly anticipating appeared only after a full three hours: Logan and Mark Allen managed to carry the leg-wounded Tino Grot back using a single stretcher. Despite enduring the pain of his wound with clenched teeth, Tino, who claimed to have the largest "manhood" in the whole assault team, had an expression of immense gratitude on his face.

Great camaraderie often grows in the trenches!

"Oh my God! Hans, I was really worried you might have an accident!"

Regarding the ordeal of their own paratroopers, Dietrich seemed both sympathetic and admiring. Although the supply line of the Führer Guard had been cut off by the British forces, Monck, the nail used to threaten the Allied defense line, found itself encircled by the enemy instead. Fortunately, they had already established a well-equipped field hospital at Monck, and with the drugs still available, Logan and his subordinates received good treatment. However, out of the 20 paratroopers who participated in the operation, only 11 remained, with 5 of them being severely injured and unfit for combat.

"The situation is not optimistic!" Logan lit a cigarette for himself, silently enduring the pain of the stitches - unfortunately, during the night battle, he had been grazed by shrapnel on his forehead and would likely have to maintain his "rice dumpling" appearance after the stitches; fortunately, the abrasions on his face would heal quickly, and the chances of leaving scars should be minimal.

"How do I put this?" Dietrich also smoked, "Although we cannot bombard Dunkirk vigorously like yesterday due to lack of ammunition, if we maintain the rate of one round of firing per hour, we can still sustain it for a whole day, which will be a heavy psychological blow to the retreating Allied forces! Two hours ago, the enemy launched an attack from the direction of Dunkirk, and unfortunately, you didn't see that scene. The machine gunners deployed on the front line might have killed hundreds of British soldiers each! The French were even more ridiculous; they fled in panic at the sound of machine guns! If they continue in this manner, we won't fear even if they come ten times!"

"Oh?" Logan took a deep drag on his cigarette and then asked, "How much do you know about the Allied forces that ambushed us halfway?"

"It's probably the British forces that previously built fortifications around the Fabeaux border! They are very tenacious, and their will to survive is much stronger than the French because their soldiers know they still have hope of returning to England!"

"True!" Logan gritted his teeth, "And they have tanks, Matildas!"

Regarding this name, Dietrich seemed undaunted, "I've already sent soldiers to plant over 500 mines in front of the defensive positions, one-third of which are specifically anti-tank mines! If the Matilda loses its tracks, it's just a pile of scrap metal!"

"Where did you get so many mines from?" Logan was somewhat surprised. Would attackers prepare so many defensive mines instead of shells in advance?

"They were found in the town, two trucks full of them! The Brits probably intended to use them to block our advance, but unfortunately, we caught them before they could bury them! In addition, we just received a telegram from the army headquarters; the 21st Infantry Division of the Wehrmacht has taken over the Canal Line, and the 160th Infantry Division is waiting to enter through this narrow but expanding gap! They are preparing to launch an attack on the British forces blocking the road before dawn, and according to the headquarters' estimates, the supply line between Monck and the rear will be reconnected by noon at the latest!"

"Oh?" Logan pondered, "That's right, after dawn, our Stukas will come into play."

"Not just the Stukas!" Dietrich said, "Think about it, the British are trying every means to retreat to Dunkirk, will they still engage our forces there? I think the troops encircling Dunkirk's outskirts are putting pressure on the Allied defenses with all their might. It won't be long before this eggshell is cracked!"

The "Leader of Fanatics" seemed to like using the term "eggshell" to describe the Allied ring defense line. In fact, it was much stronger than an eggshell!

"Even if the Allies continue to hold the outer defenses and commit heavy attacks against us, we are fully capable of holding out for two days! In fact, including the previously arrived and the hastily withdrawn Wehrmacht troops, we have about 3,500 men here! Tanks, artillery, machine guns, ammunition, and most importantly, morale, are all very abundant!"

Dietrich seemed quite proud of this, and Logan knew that in terms of equipment, the Führer Guard was impeccable: according to the Wehrmacht's organization, Dietrich now had about 2/3 of an armored battalion - including 5 Panzer IV tanks and over 22 other models of tanks, two almost complete motorized infantry battalions - equipped with over 160 armored vehicles and military trucks, an almost complete artillery battalion - equipped with infantry artillery, howitzers, anti-aircraft guns, and anti-tank guns, with over forty artillery pieces!

The circular defense line was not yet fully completed? No problem, when Logan saw those four somewhat crude but very sturdy 88mm anti-aircraft guns, his confidence grew significantly. After all, an ordinary armored division would only be equipped with 6-8 of these guns, and the Führer Guard undoubtedly basked in the glory of the "Führer" in its name. It was said that these heavy anti-aircraft guns with long barrels and tall gun carriages could bring extremely strong visual impact during parades...

"These four guns may need to be adjusted in position!"

Logan said this when two of the 88mm anti-aircraft guns were positioned to the north of the town, facing towards the English Channel, one was positioned in front of the church square, and one was near Dietrich's command post. This configuration was entirely for anti-aircraft defense: was the Royal Air Force still able to spare time to come to Monck amidst supporting Dunkirk?

"Oh?" If someone else had said this, Dietrich might have been somewhat resistant, but all conventions could be broken for his savior and angel.

"Don't you know these anti-aircraft guns are also very effective against tanks?" Logan said mysteriously.

"Is that so?" Dietrich looked puzzled.

Logan thought to himself: It seems that there is not much communication between the Wehrmacht and the Waffen-SS! Rommel had used 88mm guns to turn the tide of battle several days ago, but the Waffen-SS seemed to be unaware.

"Alright! If you trust me, then temporarily assign these four anti-aircraft guns to my command, how about it?"

"Sure, dealing with the air force should be right up your alley!" Dietrich readily agreed, and he called his adjutant. "Go inform Lieutenant Friedrich that, from now on, his 88mm anti-aircraft guns are under the command of Lieutenant Hans Logan!"

"It's temporary command!" Logan added deliberately.